End of the year prayer to say thanks and reflect

We offer this end of the year prayer in order that all spirits meet and bless each other. To reflect on what has been done and what to do, for our failures and our successes, to be grateful to be able to finish another year and begin another with our hearts raised.
In a quiet place in your house, place the image of Christ or the divinities in which you have faith, flowers and a candle for each member of the house.
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End of the year prayer
Gather your family around this small altar and pray like this:
Lord, owner of time and eternity, yours is today and tomorrow, the present, the past and the future.
I want to thank you for life, love, joy, for everything that was possible and for what it could be.
I thank you for all the things that passed through my hands and for the things that I was able to do.
I want to introduce you to the people that I loved throughout these months, with whom I was able to share moments of joy and sadness, gratitude for all those that I got to know more about, the old, the new, the closest, the most distant, the that they extended their helping hand to me, to whom I could help and with all those that I could share, work, love and life.
I want Lord, to apologize for everything that I could not do, for my useless words, for the time lost, for the money wasted badly, for the love wasted, sorry for forgetting you in some moments, for the work badly done, for my empty works.
In the next few hours we will start a new year and I want to pause to close this cycle well, in peace with myself and with all those I have offended.
Today I ask you for me and mine peace and joy, strength and prudence, clarity and wisdom.
I want to live each day with optimism and kindness, carrying around a heart full of understanding and peace.
You close my ears to all falsehoods and my lips to lying, selfish, biting or hurtful words.
Instead, open my being to all that is good, may my spirit be filled only with blessings and pour them out as I pass.
Fill me with goodness and joy so that all who live with me or come close to me, find in my life a little of You.
Now, when I get ready to start this new year, I ask you, Lord:
That you put truth in my words and make my wishes a bet with passion for them
That you make me be realistic when it comes to assessing my own strength and means and forget the borders that difficult coexistence raises in the world
And that I put the good of others before my own and overcome, but do not forget, my past mistakes so that I can learn from them.
And that, Holy Mary, that as a Mother, you know me better, help me to live with joy and youth of heart this new year that is beginning, for which we bless you, for which we give you thanks, in which we love you. present and before which the hope of a better world opens as always.