“With yoga, humanity can be more peaceful and creative.”

Neda Sarwar-Wells
“With yoga, humanity can be more peaceful and creative.”
Neda Sarwar-Wells says she has been lucky enough to have yoga as part of her life from a young age. She rediscovered its effectiveness in her 30s from a need to find alternative pain relief for a chronic pain issue. Neda is a firm believer in the power of consistent daily practise and trusts that yoga is for everyone, all shapes, sizes, races and ages. We talked to her about the role Yoga plays in her everyday life and, also, in the way she sees the world.
Do you remember your first contact with yoga? How was it?
My first contact with yoga was through my mum, watching her do her practice at home. She would come to life on the mat and was naturally flexible. I knew then that yoga was a powerful tool for building both mental and physical strength. She is now 70 and still practising.

“I knew then that yoga was a powerful tool for building both mental and physical strength.”
How do you bring the Philosophy of Yoga into your daily life?
I practice yoga daily, even if it is for ten minutes. I believe very much in the importance of meditation and asana for helping calm the mind. I try to use the idea of connection daily and try and stay as present as possible.
Which one of the teachings of Yoga is your favorite or the most important to you? And why?
My favourite yoga teaching is that of karma. Karma in the context of yoga is about work, rather than “ what goes around, comes around”; it is about doing your duty and service to humanity without attachment or expectation. This helps me lead a fulfilling work life. My focus shifts to service rather than expectation and it can help me to stay focused, especially with challenging projects.

“I believe very much in the importance of meditation and asana for helping calm the mind.”
How do you think Yoga can help us live better, more meaningful lives?
Yoga can help in so many ways. With yoga we increase our self-awareness and with that knowledge we can learn to do better in the world. When we look inside ourselves we can find the answers to most things. With yoga, humanity can be more peaceful and creative. We shift our focus to ahimsa, that is non-violence, respect for all living things. This huge shift allows us to thrive collectively and meaningfully as one.
Any advice for our readers who are thinking about starting a consistent Yoga routine?
Yes, just begin. There are no prizes for being the strongest or most bendy – this is not yoga! However, anyone can do yoga. Yoga is a chance to connect with your inner energy and to build mental and physical strength. Start slowly with meditation, pranayama and foundational asanas and build on this. Yoga is not just about the postures so make sure you take a holistic approach from day one.
Last but not the least, 3 wishes for the new decade?
I wish for a better world for all of us, less conflict, more equality and kindness.
I wish that, in our society, there is to be less focus on money and material wealth and more on happiness and health.
I wish for more scientific research into yoga, that can help prove what sages have been saying for years. I think stronger scientific backing will help spread the word of yoga to more people.