The ruling planet in 2021 and its influence in your sign

The stars help us to anticipate our destiny and to thwart the traps that life can set for us. This year, Saturn is the ruling planet in 2021. Its influence, positive in many ways, will allow you to develop some of your intrinsic qualities.
Saturn: ruling planet in 2021
Saturn brings you this structure, this organization and this professional conscience. You have to be diligent and focused in everything you do to move forward.
Since Saturn is the ruling planet in 2021, it will influence our lives and the events that will impact us. You should therefore learn to decipher your influences in order to better understand them.
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First of all, it is the symbol of structure. Understand by this the fact that it is important to walk straight, to follow a marked path, to stay focused. Set limits and know how to respect them so as not to depart from the imposed framework. To get far in life, it is essential to be rigorous and organized. It is important to be disciplined, methodical and structured in your choices.
Then comes the notion of mastery. By this we mean perseverance and determination. It’s a kind of lesson in life: to go far and achieve the goals that you have set for yourself, from a professional point of view for example, it is mandatory to never give up.
You will need to have knowledge and skills that will require some mastery over the long term. Saturn brings you this structure, this organization and this professional conscience. You have to be diligent and focused in everything you do to move forward.
Finally, this planet also symbolizes wisdom. That of knowing when to continue and when to give up; of understanding what is the way forward. That of knowing which people to detach or get closer to.
And with wisdom and maturity come stability, seriousness, focus and prudence. You will be more and more clairvoyant in different areas. These are basic and very useful qualities in life.
But Saturn also teaches us passion and ambition, to always follow your heart and instinct, because they are undoubtedly the best guides. It takes structure, wisdom, and mastery to live a fulfilling and happy life. A life that we love and that suits us above all.
What should you know about Saturn?
Saturn is the largest planet in the solar system. This is why even if it is also the most distant, it can be visible if you have the right equipment.
Famous for its famous ring made of ice and rocks, it is 95 times the size of the earth. It is one of the so-called gaseous planets because it is made up of helium and hydrogen.
2020 and the ruling planet Sun
The combination of the ruling planet Sun and the era of Saturn raises the need for self-knowledge and personal development, as well as a tendency to individuality; in other words, the star father drives the highlight of personal talents, of our essence.
On the other hand, the Sun as regent facilitates us to leave a more conflictive year (2019, with its regent Mars) and we are finding where to apply with more prudence and less disputes. People will seek their purposes and the tendency will be to want to shine, illuminate, lead as the star that rules the year.
At work people will want to do things with meaning, which has to do with their vocation. Above material wealth, it will seek to be accomplished and with pleasure in what is done. There will also be a dose of wanting individual recognition.
In love, relationships will be sought where they feel valued and at ease, no tortuous or manipulative relationships. Self-love will be strengthened and more stable than occasional couples will be sought.
Influence of the ruling planet on the 12 signs
Let’s briefly see what impacts the king star will have on each of the signs for this 2020.
In interpersonal relationships and in love, Aries must maintain good humor and not be so serious this year.
You will give vital importance to work and professional development, but you will have to know how to adapt to new situations and plan projects well, especially in the financial aspect, where it is also preferable to save a little.
Taurus faces 2020 as a year of learning. That is, being open to the new (even to listen to other people’s opinions) and enjoy taking care of yourself. Invest in knowledge, courses and studies to grow. Explore your charisma well and also seek for recognition.
Gemini, beware of financial investments, this year you must go for the safe and run few risks. It is possible that in love there are changes and you must accompany these changes with good disposition. Good omens in the professional field, as well as new business opportunities.
The ruling planet this year will make it easier for Cancer natives who are single to realize a stable and long-term relationship. Good planning will be essential for doing well at work and with finances, especially if you want to get rid of debts.
The natives of Leo will want to shine in their jobs and will have many and very good opportunities to do so. Stable emotional relationships, but you should not overdo it with your excess of ego. This year Leo should worry a little more about their health.
Virgo will have a positive influence of the ruling planet that will advance their self-knowledge and highlight their talents, especially in the professional field. You will feel like learning new things and you may start new studies.
Libra will be more focused on family and relationships. There will be good communication in general, but you should not neglect the rest of the areas, since at work there could be a promotion, but only if you try hard and work harder.
Scorpio natives will be more open to meet new people and begin new ties either in the emotional plane or in the commercial area with new business partners. Intellectual work and learning will be very important topics and to which you will devote a lot of energy this year.
Sagittarius will want to improve the way they have been organizing their life. This year will be dedicated to better planning and better setting your priorities, whether in the field of finance, at work and in relationships with family and friends.
Capricorn will have a year with many possibilities of growth. Solar energy will give you strength to stand out in the professional field, but you must dedicate yourself with effort since the fruits will be quite satisfactory, but in the long term, therefore you must also practice patience.
This year will be of ups and downs for Aquarius natives. They will have a storm in relation to feelings and therefore they will have to prepare very well emotionally so as not to suffer too much. It is a year to strengthen and satisfy personal and spiritual searches.
The natives of Pisces will restructure some relationships, change some areas and also friendships. You will have new ideas at the professional level and it is possible that you will start new ventures that will have good results, but not in the short term.