Spiritual meaning of Coronavirus: a moment of reflection for humanity

The current global pandemic also brings with it reflection on the spiritual meaning of Coronavirus for humanity. The increasing number of victims and infected people, as well as its uncontrollable spread in dozens of countries, has an impact on people’s lives without any distinction whatsoever. It is evident that the main feeling of all is that of vulnerability, perceiving that one is totally defenseless against an invisible and as yet unknown enemy.
Additionally, the global balance has also been upset, also impacting the economic sector that has been plunged into a depression that implies that both individuals and companies have their income and livelihoods compromised.
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Life as everyone knows it so far has changed dramatically. A propitious moment for introspection. Everything that was considered immutable has been affected today. No one would be able to think a few weeks ago that the rhythm of the world would stop and people should remain sheltered in their homes on pain of losing their lives.
Individuals must find meaning in everything they are living. Connect all your emotions and always think that everything will be overcome.
Spiritual meaning of Coronavirus: everything must stop in order to go on
Pause and value everything that exists: freedom, social contact, human relations, nature, everything that even money cannot buy. Finally, it will be possible for people to assume a new awareness of how they should see life and value every moment.
In Jewish tradition, there is a specific day of the week to stop, precisely to stay in contact with the family, reflect, reconnect and think.
For its part, the Catholic religion lives the Lenten season which is translated as conversion. Chronologically it is located forty days before Easter and it is the stage of the year in which the Church calls her faithful to recollection and reflection. Coincidence or not, the mandatory quarantine that those who have or suspect of having the Coronavirus have to face, is also a period of deep introspection.
Spiritual meaning of coronavirus and what we must learn
Transition stage between eras
The spiritual meaning of Coronavirus invites us to think that the world needs to unite. It represents an opportunity for different countries and cultures that are often confronted by differences that seem irreconcilable, to perceive that it is time to join forces to move forward.
The days to come could involve individuals questioning how they consume their resources as nothing will be guaranteed. The leading role of each individual will be vital.
Valuing life and each of its moments
What until now seemed part of the daily routine and even an acquired right, today has been lost. People remain at home, without any contact, hoping that their behavior can do something to prevent the situation from worsening. How many times we complain unnecessarily about situations that we consider terrible and that could be assumed differently.
Coronavirus has brought to the table the need to understand that things can change in seconds and we can all do something to make humanity take a different turn.
It may be a good practice to keep a small gratitude journal. Valuing a new day of life, breakfast with the family, playing cards with the children, watching a program on television, simple situations that are capable of filling the spirit at times when people need to feed the soul.
Keep positive thoughts
During this period it is essential that people keep their thoughts positive. Do not allow fear to paralyze you into depression and negativity. Reflect on how people have lived and how many times others have been judged without putting themselves in their shoes for a moment. Add more instead of criticizing.
Living with little without great ostentation
Another important point that calls for reflection is the fact that a virus with these characteristics attacks everyone equally. It does not matter if you have great resources, if you belong to a social class or are in a powerful nation, everyone can be infected.
In many contexts, there is rationing of food and other resources. Consequently, people have begun to think that money is useless without health and life is not preserved. Highlight the simplicity, the genuine, that which is valued but forgotten.
Greater rapprochement between families
Staying inside their homes will also allow families to rescue their ties, often worn out by technology and work. This introspection is necessary when people fear losing their affections. The specialists assure that it is recommended that they can carry out common activities that generate synergy.