Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset

If there is one word that has been gaining prominence in recent years it is mindset. You have certainly heard of it, but you may not know the meaning, nor that there is more than one type: growth mindset versus fixed mindset.
Much more than a way of thinking, the term is linked to beliefs, attitudes and limitations, in a posture to achieve success or failure. In this article, you will understand the differences between each type of mindset and how they affect the way you live.
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Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Definition of Mindset
In psychology, mindset is used to reflect the change in people’s behavior throughout their lives and the way they deal with success or failure. Therefore, there are two types: the growth and fixed mindset.
It is worth mentioning that the idea was disseminated by psychologist Carol Dweck, who transformed her studies at Stanford University into a book called “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”. According to the author, a compliment does not stimulate self-esteem and satisfaction. This happens when the brain is taken out of its comfort zone.
Growth Mindset
Growth mindset follows the opposite path. As its name implies, people with this mentality believe that with dedication, effort, learning and willpower it is possible to grow.
For them, you can learn from mistakes, develop new skills and achieve what you want. Over time, skills and competences can be improved in any area, whether in personal or professional life.
Fixed Mindset
“I was born this way, I grew up this way, I really am, I will always be like this”.
This sentence defines well how the fixed mindset works.
People with this type of mentality believe that talent is solely responsible for success: either you are born with it, or you don’t have it. For them, skills cannot be developed and there is no need for effort, just talent.
Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset
In summary, it’s already possible to see how fixed mindset and growth mindset take different paths. In addition to the concept, the two also differ in some aspects. This is what you will see next.
Fixed minded people have a limiting and immutable belief. This means that they believe that nothing will change in their lives, no matter what they do. Therefore, they tend to avoid challenges or new experiences.
Those who have a growth mindset are always looking for ways to improve and believe that the result is the result of effort and intense work.
Because they draw limitations in their own minds, people with a fixed mindset cannot, nor try to go further. After all, for them, things are as they are and nothing can be done to change.
In the growth mindset, there are no limits, because dedication and learning can overcome any barrier and even lead to leadership.
The fixed mindset limits success, since it induces a person to believe that they cannot develop skills beyond those they already have, that is, progress has a limit.
For the growth mindset, there is always room to evolve and seek improvement. Everything can be an extra motivation to pursue a goal, personal or professional.
Why is growth mindset so important?
Be open to changes and seek new knowledges is what drives the growth mindset. Thanks to it, it is possible to innovate at work, evolve as a person or professional and achieve better results. Basically, it is what everyone wants. Therefore, having such a mindset opens the way to new horizons.
Believing that you have limitations and that nothing can be changed is a barrier to growth and, over time, can lead to dissatisfaction. By realizing the difference between fixed and growth mindset, it is easier to make a self-assessment. So, if necessary, you can turn the key little by little in order to achieve everything you want. Get to know more about Fixed vs. Growth Mindset here >>
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