Destiny number and name numerology for 2021: what to know

Do you know your name numerology for 2021? Our name and destiny number were given to us when we were born. We didn’t have any influence on the name we were given – or did we? Come and find out.
Before checking you name numerology for 2021, learn how this can determine what happens in your life. Everything in the Universe revolves around numbers, including the letters of the alphabet. Each letter contains a vibrational weight that gives it an energy, reflective of one of the cardinal numbers 1-9. Therefore, the name Numerology is very significant.
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Name numerology for 2021
How the name Numerology determines our Destiny
Our name numerology composes our destiny number. Sure, we were immediately labeled in the short time period we were on Earth in this lifetime, but is it possible that our soul predestined the name we received to obtain specific energy we would carry our entire life?
Even if it was our guardians who chose it, they consciously or unconsciously determined the vibration we emanate every second of this lifetime.
Our name contains tons of insight into who we are as a person; some of them include natural abilities, inborn talents, innermost desires, likes and dislikes, as well as how others perceive us. Here we will discuss how to calculate the Numerology of your name and the qualities that go along with the number you can never escape. This is also called your Destiny Number.
Numerical Value of the Letters in the Alphabet
Quite simply, each letter holds the energetic weight of a certain single-digit cardinal number. Just like with the visual interpretation of each cardinal number, the shape of each letter is also reflective of the number it relates to. There are no coincidences in this existence!
Below you can find the value of each letter of the alphabet. This never changes, and we will discuss how to use this information to calculate the value of your name.
1 | A, J, S |
2 | B, K, T |
3 | C, L, U |
4 | D, M, V |
5 | E, N, W |
6 | F, O, X |
7 | G, P, Y |
8 | H, Q, Z |
9 | I, R |
Calculating Your Destiny Number
This is actually quite simple. Let’s take the name Ahja as an example.
- A = 1
- H = 8
- J = 1
- A = 1
So, 1 + 8 + 1 + 1 = 11.
11 is a Master Number, and therefore does not need to be reduced to 2. Now, let’s use a full name, for example Ahja Marie Baker.
- Ahja = 11
- Marie = 28
- Baker = 19
So, 11 + 28 + 19 = 58 → 13 → 4
2 + 1 + 1→ 4
The final Destiny Number is 4. Notice that regardless of whether we reduce the numbers or not, we will always end up with the same final product. This is why Numerology is so amazing, and an unchangeable truth in the Universe.
Now that we know how to estimate our number according to our name, we can now determine what 2021 will bring.
Name numerology for 2021
Number 1
Get ready to balance your priorities, as you are in a nine-year cycle. It is the time to make your plans real and to make changes in your life, but don’t wait for them to happen alone. You need to work on them by yourself.
Number 2
During 2021 you will need to keep your cool, as from the start of the year until August you will be between conflicts and harmony. In August, you will feel that you need a change of strategy. You will most probably perceive frictions and extinguish them before they escalate into the fire, due to your highest sensitiveness.
Number 3
During 2021 your mind will be overactive. You will feel demotivated and that things in your life are repeating themselves. You are in need of a change, but you should avoid making a quick-fix. Wait patiently until summer, until you have everything worked out and then decide on whether to take a risk or not. It might be that your impulsiveness brings you the best in 2021.
Number 4
Avoid any indecisions during 2021. As you base your choices on concrete values and you have a very logic and rational way of thinking. This has its advantages, but it can also block your energy and imagination sometimes. Don’t expect much to happen in the first part of the year, but in the second part of 2021 the efforts made in the first six months will get their results.
Number 5
2021 is the time to make changes. You feel you are stagnating, so your priority is to enjoy every priority that shows up. You will be changing without a doubt, so be prepared to embrace change and to adapt yourself to your new life. As soon as you know what you want in life and where you want to be, you will leave this old you back and embrace your new self.
Number 6
2021 will provide you the chance to evaluate your views about yourself and the world. You will reflect on your behaviors and how you behave with other people. In 2021, you will get the chance to improve your social life and also improve your relationship with yourself.
Number 7
During 2021, you will have the opportunity to make a self-reflection. You will jump in a new phase on your life and feel like you have gained maturity. You will pay more attention to your life and how it is progressing, which will help you understand what you want for yourself, establish goals and work for it. By the end of the year, you will be more aware of your emotions.
Number 8
In 2021, you will be determined to develop your career. You have worked hard so far, so it is fair that in 2021 you collect the rewards of your efforts. You have been a very disciplined and efficient person, so you should expect some gratitude in the new year. Be aware of your value, and the way you always express your opinion, without being afraid, and this will give you the confidence to work your way up to the top.
Number 9
You have been paying attention to many other people lately, so during the year 2021 you need to focus on yourself. You need to take the opportunity to reflect on what has been your journey so far and what you want for yourself in the future. Try to get out of your comfort zone and get to know new cultures and try to get on new adventures.
The Significance of our Name and Destiny Number
Our names emanate traits that (whether we are aware of it or not) emit volumes of different characteristics to those around us. And these characteristics are embodied within our being, so it is extremely beneficial to understand what our name tells others about us, and how we can embrace it to grow into the best version of ourselves in this lifetime.
Once you calculate your Name and Destiny Number, you will reveal clues not only about how you can, but how you should journey through life to be the most successful. For information on what your number means for you, you can easily refer to our articles on the Numerology of each cardinal number.
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