Numerology of Master Number 11

The journey of spiritual growth is complex, but by understanding the significance and meaning of numbers, you will uncover insight into life lessons and areas for opportunity. Numerology, the ancient practice of interpreting the energetic weight and vibrational expression of numbers – allows us to to unveil the Universal truths of this lifetime. In this article, we encounter our first Master Number: the Numerology of Master Number 11.
The Significance of Master Numbers
Master Number 11 is one of the most respected numbers in Numerology. It is what we call a “Master Number,” and with this title comes some very heavy meanings, reflections, and energy.
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The Master Numbers in Numerology have a more powerful and profound meaning than all of the other numbers. They also tend to hold an energy of difficulty, but also hold the most potential.
Master Numbers have the potential to be as much of a hardship as they are fortunate. They direct us toward maturity, patience, selflessness and effort; all of which we can utilize to become our most productive, spiritual and powerful beings that we can be.
The Master Numbers hold energetic blessings, but they come with responsibility and overcoming challenges in order to embrace the power they possess.
The heightened energetic frequencies of the Master Numbers are never about the self – they are always focusing on the greater good of humanity. They reflect a responsibility to overcome the negativity of the physical world, and transcend away from fear and lower vibrations in order to obtain the highest and most unchangeable truths of the Universe.
Double-Digits: Deciphering Energetic Weight
When it comes to a double digit number, the energy is different than with a single digit number. There is one thing to consider:
What is the energy of each number on its own?
- So for example, if we had the Number 16, we decipher the energy of the Number One, and then the energy of the Number 6
- We conclude that Number 16 is a combination of the “1” energy, and the “6” energy
The Energetic Frequency of the Master Number 11
As 11 is a Master Number, it already possesses a super spiritually significant meaning and vibrational energy. And as with repeating number frequencies the energetic power of the Number One is doubled, as well as carrying the frequency of Number Two, here in the Master Number 11.
Master Number 11 is considered the “Most Intuitive,” the “Inspired Healer,” or the “Master Student” of all of the numbers.
The 11 is an energy that reflects all that is dynamic in instinctual practices. Yet, it is humble in its never-ending strive toward all things related to truth, faith, psychic abilities, belief systems, and spirituality.
Master Number 11 possesses a vibrational frequency of all that “illumination” encompasses in the spiritual sense: revelation, intuition, humanitarianism, lightworking, idealism, enlightenment and spiritual awakening. It is an energy of how to connect with the Higher Self, and serves as a reminder to always seek, and consciously embody, the predestined life purpose and soul mission we behold here in this lifetime on Earth.
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