Virgo in house 4: it’s all about order and details

Natives with Virgo in house 4 generally have a careful education, facilitated by the curiosity and desire to learn that characterizes them. These people can develop in-depth studies in order to obtain a considerable number of higher degrees.
Virgo in house 4: what happens to the Gemini Ascendant?
The natives of Virgo in the fourth house value knowledge and education as the fundamental matrix of their training; they are proud of themselves when they reach a high knowledge status. These natives are perfectionists and like to think about things, like to analyze what is going on and what they understand in their environment.
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As they grow, they judge their own value and that of others by the intellectual scope they have and the extent of their knowledge. So, it will be no wonder if they prefer a career in science, mathematics, etc. from an early age.
Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, inclines these people to activities related to engineering, mathematics, information technology, sales and commerce; also, activities that depend on the use of speech, writing and the ability to persuade.
As long as it is well placed in the horoscope, it gives the natives:
- An intellect capable of grasping the finer aspects of reality;
- An analytical power and mental discrimination;
- Self-confidence and “spirit” to seduce by conversation;
- And friendly approach in interactions.
The natives influenced by this placement are:
- Excellent advisers and teachers;
- Researchers, mathematicians and engineers;
- Entrepreneurs linked to commerce and sales;
- Authors, communicators and editors, etc.
However, being a very changeable and versatile planet, Mercury influences the natives to change their activity frequently. This change rejuvenates and energizes those people who start new activities with enthusiasm and motivation.
They are into order and love details
Whichever field they choose, their systematic and inquisitive mind always seeks to organize the space in which they live. This gives them an order that allows them to mentally create a stable horizon of life that they need, despite everything.
Virgo is a sign that predisposes to a pragmatic vision and action of life; it helps these people to measure and weigh well the “pros and cons” of everything they wish to accomplish. Thus, they conceive home life in an efficient and well-organized manner. They are the “specialists” in having everything properly arranged and “in its place”, in order to perform its function in the most useful and effective way.
Furthermore, they will be able to dedicate a lot of available time to organize and “improve” everything in their home; after all, they feel happy in an impeccably clean and well organized environment. They like to have friends at home, with intellectual interests, research or knowledge similar to their own; enjoying the discussions of ideas in some technical area that deserve special interest.
These natives can spend a lot of time at home studying something or investigating something in detail, if that is possible in their home environment. Despite their pragmatism, their desire for “order” in their lives can generate pessimism; it happens when they realize that the stability they appreciate so much is, in fact, difficult to achieve.
Mercury cause a constant restlessness that makes them feel the urge to change their residence frequently. Perhaps this is a consequence of the fact that, during childhood, there was little stability in their life. The mother may have been very critical and perfectionist, or she may have been separated from her spouse, affecting the emotional stability of these natives.