Atychiphobia: overcoming the fear of failure

Do you lack confidence in yourself? Maybe you are afraid of failure? What are the symptoms of atychiphobia? How to get rid of it? Discover more about it to get started and find the road to recovery.
Atychiphobia: what is the fear of failure?
Tremors, sweaty hands, cramps or even faster heartbeats: welcome to atychiphobia. This anxiety, sometimes considered as negative stress, has a great impact on us so that it manages to paralyze us. Instead of motivating us, it pushes us to retrench. It is defined as an irrational fear of not succeeding.
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Experts say there are several categories of fear including cognitive fear and social fear. The first is related to knowledge and occurs as part of an examination, presentation, etc. The second concerns social life: belonging to a group, fear of negative judgments on the part of others.
Symptoms of Atychiphobia
Physical symptoms may include:
- Difficult breathing;
- A very fast heart rate;
- Tightness or pain in the chest;
- Feelings of tremors;
- Dizziness;
- Digestive disorders;
- Hot or cold flushes.
Emotional symptoms may include:
- A strong feeling of panic or anxiety;
- A compelling need to escape a situation that scares you;
- The impression of not being in control;
- The impression that you can die or faint;
- The impression of helplessness in the face of fear.
How to get rid of the fear of failure?
If you are in this state of mind of accepting personal change and giving yourself the means to go beyond fear, you will accomplish a miracle on your own. So here’s how to get rid of it:
Accept the fact that failure is inevitable
Unless you stay locked up in your home 365 days/year, still in your bed, if you decide to live a fulfilling, meaningful, and exciting life, you will be sooner or later confronted with a failure. So what? Is it the end of the world or the beginning of another period?
By failing, you will learn to do better, differently, and get on the right path. Your failures are your solutions.
Accept the fact that you have the potential to succeed
Do you think an athlete goes to competition thinking they’re going to fail? Instead of that, have success in your mind.
Confront your fear
If you close your eyes and think about the situation that scares you (take the example of an exam to pass), you will begin to feel uncomfortable; let it come to the surface, and confront it; after a few minutes, you will see that the pressure will go down slowly, because you have gotten used to it.
Dare to ask
Instead of sabotaging yourself and putting yourself in a situation of failure, when you have a doubt or you do not know something, dare to ask those who have already gone through your journey or who have experience in this area. Sometimes, just one little tip can open incredible doors for you.
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