Front door Feng Shui: what should it be like?

One of the most common doubts in Feng Shui is related to the doorway. We must take into account that the front door is the main portal of our home. This is because it shelters everything that comes from outside and everything that goes out. So, what should it be like, according to front door Feng Shui?
A door with good energies and good organization tends to preserve positivity and does not allow negative energies entering the home. For this, several Feng Shui aspects should be taken into account, such as the color and material of our door.
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Front door Feng Shui: the most important aspects
Feng Shui: what door material?
The material with which our door is made is very important, since it can already reveal to us details of the personality of the residents. Here is what it represents according to front door Feng Shui:
- Wooden doors are usually used for homes that shelter something more familiar and deep. Despite being good fighters of negative energies, wooden doors can hold a very illusory world in our home.
- Glass doors are not recommended for the main door of the house. They are great for aesthetics and spatial organization, but they let the energies circulate freely, without hindrance.
- Metal doors: although they do not let bad energies enter the house easily, they end up absorbing many of these. And even if you have a positive aura, a simple touch of this door can change your mood.
What is the color of my door?
For wooden doors, the recommended colors are green, blue and black. A wooden door cannot contain much varnish, otherwise it leaves the room very heavily loaded. Everything should be moderate.
For metal doors, the recommended colors are light or specific colors, such as white, yellow, brown-brown and gold. Some shades of light green may also be used. Black should always be avoided, as well as red and very glaring colors.
For glass doors, the glass always has to be very clear, without being frosted or dimed. You may consider an insulfilm; this may be dark, but never black. A great insulfilm for glass doors is the smoke variety, as it leaves the house modern, harmonious and full of sophistication.
Feng Shui tips
To take good care of the front door of your house, which also represents communication, it is better that you capture and transmit positive energies; remember these tips:
- The door should not scratch the floor and make noises when it’s opening.
- Locks, door handles, hinges, keys and latches must be in perfect working order to avoid obstacles.
- The door should open fully to attract opportunities and to allow Chi, the vital energy, to enter the house.
- If the door is double, the two parts should open and be used to ensure entry of Chi, not dividing it.
- The door should open into the property and not out, for the Chi to enter the house. Otherwise, the Chi moves away and the energy is inverted out of the door, instead of entering.
- Decorate the door with a symbol of your belief: from the outside for protection or from the inside for blessings.
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