Healthy Foods based on your Horoscope: what’s yours?

When Mercury retrograde finally ends, that’s when we bid our bad luck goodbye — horoscope is a fun way to liven up your day-to-day life, with so many exciting predictions and foreshadowing to keep a lookout for. Your horoscope isn’t just based on the month that you were born in; it boils down to the very minute of your birth hour and your personality type comprises of many other houses. For instance, your sun sign could be a Taurus and this reflects who you are at your core, while your moon sign, which represents who you think you are when you’re alone, may very well be a Pisces!
For the most part, the month that you’re born in dictates what sun sign you are. All these horoscope predictions come in handy when you’re at a loss of what you ought to do for the day. Be it making big decisions, taking a leap of faith in your love life or maybe just simply deciding what to eat — horoscope gives you cool tips as to how you can live your life! Speaking of food, making food choices nowadays isn’t as easy as it used to be; especially with the new health trend of eating healthier, it’s tough to count your calories and fuddle over the numbers on the nutrition labels — it’s not uncommon to find yourself in a dilemma during lunchtime or dinner, hassling over what you ought to eat. So whether you’re new to horoscope matters or are a horoscope junkie, if you’d like some opinions on how you can make meal choices, read on to find out about what healthy foods are most suitable for you!
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Healthy Foods based on your Horoscope: some ideas
Here’s some advice on healthy foods based on your Horoscope:
Aries, March 22 — April 20
For those born between the 20th of March to the 19th of April, you might want to avoid high-sodium foods and alcohol because they’ll sap you of all your energy and leave you feeling lethargic. To retain and improve your energy levels, opt for brown rice, tomatoes, walnuts, peanut butter, bananas, and beans. Aries is an energetic sign, so milk will help to strengthen your bones and give you all the calcium that you need.
Taurus, April 21 — May 21
Whether you’ve noticed it or not, it is commonly said that Taurus signs tend to gain weight easier and have a tendency to stay away from exercise. In order to maintain a good weight, do avoid excessive starch, sugars, and fats. Instead, opt for your lovely vegetables and fruits like asparagus, cucumber, cauliflower pumpkins. For your protein, consider seafood and eggs over red meat because it contains high levels of saturated fat.
Gemini, May 22 — June 21
Geminis are known for being tense signs, so it would be good to detox and cleanse your body of any toxins for a better night’s rest. Put away junk food and caffeine; go for the healthy stuff like herbal teas, green beans, spinach, oranges, plums, tomatoes, and grapefruit — these are great items to snack on if you’re hungry or feeling sleepy at work. For mealtimes, it would be good to go for milk, cheese, raisins, and shellfish to help with the nerves and bones.
Cancer, June 22 — July 22
The Cancer sign is also susceptible to junk food cravings when they’re feeling down. However, it would be good to avoid sugars, salts, starches, and the usual junk/comfort foods because they’ll only cause bloating. Exchange your comfort food for beets, egg yolks, kale, milk, cheese, and tomatoes — all these will give you the burst of energy necessary to lift your mood for better days to come.
Leo, July 23 — August 22
As much as wine and meat are delectable, it’s not always good to indulge in them. It is recommended for Leo signs to have a low-fat diet and they should watch out for their iron levels as well. To do so, they should consume more apples, peaches, seeds, nuts, rye, and yogurt; along with foods that regulate iron levels like raisins, beef, and raisins. For a treat, consider treating yourself to some tasty pieces of dark chocolate.
Virgo, August 23 — September 22
Virgoans can oftentimes run into sensitive stomach issues, so it would do them good to avoid oily and spicy foods. To soothe one’s muscles, they should stick to eating beef, lentils, almonds, oranges, lemons, whole wheat, and romaine lettuce. As a good snack that is easily digestible, Virgo signs can choose to munch on some melon, eggs, cornbread or even yogurt.
Libra, September 23 — October 22
Due to the fact that they make great sounding boards, they can feel weighed down from hearing too many upsetting things while trying to comfort their peers. To cleanse their bodies, Librans should avoid acidic food, gassy drinks, and alcohol. Then, for better energy levels, they should select high protein foods like yogurt, chicken, cheese, and seafood.
Scorpio, October 23 — November 21
Scorpios may find themselves battling with mental health woes, using alcohol and unbalanced meals as coping mechanisms. In the long run, such eating habits won’t do any good for their health. Thus, they should have more milk, yogurt, cheese, fruits and seafood for a clean diet; this will ensure that their health remains in tip-top shape.
Sagittarius, November 22 — December 21
The out-going Sagittarians would love a high-protein diet because it allows them to upkeep their lively lifestyles. Fruits, oats, egg yolks, vegetables would be excellent to strengthen their digestive system and boost blood circulation. Nonetheless, as uninhibited as they are, they must remember to stay away from sweets, candy, and alcohol because they will affect their skin complexion and livers.
Capricorn, December 22 — January 21
They’re the most driven and focused signs out of all the other signs; these Capricorn signs are so hardworking that they can forget to eat some meals. Foods like kale, whole wheat, oats, almonds, brown rice, spinach, oranges, and potatoes will be great sources of protein and calcium for them. In the event that they don’t have time for proper meals, they can always go for protein-rich salads for a quick bite.
Aquarius, January 22 — February 21
Aquarians can get extraordinarily busy so they must take extra efforts not to end up snacking excessively. To avoid overindulging, they should consume something filling like lentils, pears quash, seafood and salad greens. Additionally, cutting down on caffeine will help keep the anxiety-prone Aquarians feeling their very best each day.
Pisces, February 22 — March 21
The sign of twin fishes has a tendency to eat and drink well into late hours, which makes them prone to gaining weight. Pisceans should incorporate more iron into their diet and can do so by consuming more red meat, fish, and eggs. This will ensure that they have the necessary energy to keep their creative juices running throughout their long days, such that they’ll always get to spread positive vibes to those around them.
Healthy Foods based on your Horoscope: a wrap up
Reading more about your horoscope can be a thrilling way to spice up your life; should you be feeling low-spirited on any day, just tune into your horoscope predictions for the week or the month to see how you can uplift yourself with their recommendations.
Given that you’re likely to be busy and piled with work, knowing that there’s a horoscope prediction to decide your meals saves you some time from deciding what to eat. Plus, having someone to determine your food choices is a perfect way to introduce some excitement into your life — not to mention that these awesome food tips will be sure to keep you energized and healthy for days on end! If you’re looking for more ways to stay healthy and are unsure of what superfoods or health supplements to eat, we suggest you to take a look at this and find out more.
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