Learn how to do Supta Virasana

Supta virasana, also known as the reclining hero pose, might not be one of the most popular yoga asanas, but definitely there is a point to include it in yoga sequences.
We’re going to explore how to build this pose in safety and the key muscles and benefits of it. Keep reading and find out more about Supta Virasana.
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Supta Virasana: why and how?
Virasana and Supta Virasana are the asanas by reference to stretch the quadriceps. For those who focus other workouts in the leg’s muscles, these asanas are extremely important in order to keep flexibility in the lower body. Its benefits don’t stop here, but first, let’s learn how to do it!
Supta Virasana step by step
- When sitting in Virasana it’s important to rotate the calves to the sides to create more space. You are not supposed to sit on your heels but on the floor, in case that is not possible, sit on a yoga block. Feet stay on the floor outside the glutes;
- In the beginning, still sitting in Virasana, let the weight fall on your thighs, pressing the shins against the floor. The knees go from hips-width to getting closer with time;
- Place your hands by your side to help while you exhale and lean backward. Slowly explore the movement and stop where it’s comfortable;
- Use your shoulders to support your weight and if possible, slowly go down until your back rests on the floor. If you feel pain on your knees, go back and use your elbows as support or even hands;
- When resting on the floor, roll your glutes forward and bring the lower back as close as possible to the floor;
- To get out of the pose, breathe in and raise yourself onto your forearms. Press your hands into the floor and come back to a sit position.
Benefits of Supta Virasana
Supta Virasana is a great option to stretch the quadriceps, but its benefits go beyond that effect. It also provides a good stretch on the feet, ankles, and abdomen.
The reclined hero pose is widely known for activating the digestion, helping even after strong meals. The good functioning of the digestive system is so important for our well-being, that it automatically makes this pose a vital one.
It also allows opening the front side of the body, especially the ribcage. Opening the muscles of the chest area is crucial for good pranayama, therefore this pose is amazing for those working on their breathing.
It’s also proved to be efficient fighting sciatica pain, as well as cramps.
Any yoga poses, and it works for everything in life, must be free of violence for our own bodies. Being Supta Virasana an intermediate pose, it’s possible that it takes a while to conquer it. It always depends on each person’s condition.
Supta Virasana can seriously damage your lower back or knees if your body is not ready yet to perform your requests. At the same time, if you learn how to listen to your body and adapt the pose to your own needs, it can be an incredible asana to add to your practice.
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