Inversions will make you happy. Find out why

Inversions mean getting upside down and are some of yoga’s most famous poses. Why? Because it looks beautiful, most of all, and people love to show it off, but also because it takes a long time (at least to most people), to master these poses.
Inversions happen when the heart is higher than the head, which results in reversing the action of gravitational force on the body. Usually, the flow is pulled towards the feet, and in these positions, it moves towards the head, resulting in a set of physical and psychological benefits.
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Find out the main inverted asanas and dig into its benefits.
The most famous inversions
If you are thinking that inversions are not for you, let’s start by stating that there are all kinds of inversions, for different levels of practice, strength and confidence.
Even if you suffer from some sort of injury, there is always an available adaptation available. So, the first thing to do is to remove the barriers and learn more about inversions.
In our list of some of the most famous inversions, we have from semi-inversions, simple poses that you can do with the wall or props to the traditional handstands.
- Uttanasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana (and the Dolphin Pose)
- Bakasana
- Sirsasana
- Pincha Mayurasana
- Viparita Karani
- Adho Mukha Vrksasana
- Setu bandha Sarvangasana
- Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Urdhva Dhanurasana
In this set of eleven poses, you can understand why inversions are never an impossible mission. There are choices for all kinds of body, practice, and level of confidence to put those feet up and that head down.
Each of these poses has then multiple variations, and inversions are a field of creativity. A never-ending field of creativity, if you want to have some fun with it!
Benefits of inversions
Did you know that if you are feeling down, or sad, or tired, an inversion can save your day? It’s true! But turning upside down, there are processes in our body that help with the mood, the energy, and the confidence.
The fact that we change the way the circulation and the energy flow go, is actually really healthy. Every time the heart is higher than the head, these benefits are, on different levels, present. So, either you can do a handstand or just a standing forward bend, you’ll benefit from these poses.
We have made you a list of all the benefits you can get from inversions:
- Improve circulation;
- Provide more oxygen to the brain;
- Improve: concentration, memory and processing abilities;
- Energize the body (heating asanas, like sirsasana);
- Energize the mind;
- Relax the body and mind (cooler asanas, like sarvangasana);
- Increase core strength (and arms, and shoulders);
- Build confidence;
- Help you facing your fears;
- Make you happy;
- Keep you young.
Need to study and focus? Do an inversion! Do you need to relax and release all the problems in your head? Inversion time! Having a hard day and some headaches? Do some inversion!
Sure, inversions won’t solve all your problems and healthy, any kind of health, is always a holistic matter, but inversions are definitely something to add to our routines. Do it and learn that, with time and work, you can achieve much more than what you have ever imagined.
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