The signs in love in 2022: are you in luck?

Each year is ruled by a different planet, or in other words, it’s as if each star is the conductor for the 12-month period. This means, among other things, that the archetypes represented by a particular planet will be in focus. Thus, 2022 will be ruled by Mercury, the planet responsible not only for communications, but also for intellectual appeal and the way of thinking. Furthermore, Mercury symbolizes the filter of language, or how each one interprets the world. Thus, when this planet has the most prominent role in the year, Gemini and Virgo, signs ruled by this star, are in evidence.
The signs in love in 2022: Are you lucky?
But how does Mercury impact the love field? Well, Mercury represents a certain type of rationality that, combined with communicability, can lead to relationships based on dialog and prioritizing critical sense. On the other hand, still in terms of our affective ties, there can be problems related to delusions, paranoia, and obsessive thoughts. To get around this problem, try to communicate clearly, avoid accumulating points of view based only on moments of anxiety.
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It is very likely that Aries natives will have a good time in love already in the first months of the year, with great chances that singles will find partners and committed people will deepen their ties. This is because some aspects will bring to the Aries the ability to control their impulses, so characteristic of Aries, and the ability to solve the issues of life together on the basis of conversation and otherness. Mercury’s influence is expressed in the importance that will be given to strengthening the more rational characteristics of the Aries natives, in controlling impulsiveness and in having the patience to build the foundations of relationships. This can be achieved through therapy or even personal maturity, which will be put to the test in 2022.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Aries predictions
Taurus natives will be one of the most fortunate in love next year, despite the difficulties of the first quarter. At the very least, the first quarter of the year is expected to go by in a plodding, drawn-out manner, but also the rest of the months are expected to go more smoothly for love encounters. In addition, the year 2022 proves to be opposite to the previous two years for Taureans, since in the past years, there may have been some kind of material difficulty, which hindered the progress of relationships. However, in 2022, it is quite likely that the Taurus’ material issues will be more or less concrete, paving the way for new experiences, but it will also bring free time to get to know new partners in depth, or deepen in the current relationship.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Taurus predictions
This will be an important year for Gemini, since Mercury is their ruling planet. The force of Mercury will enter the native’s planet like a jewel, which will attract the attention of the most inattentive eyes, and will highlight some Gemini qualities, such as quick thinking, diplomacy, and vast intellect. Such characteristics, present in the most typical Gemini, will be the object of desire of other people, making the Gemini native become not only required as a partner, but also a role model.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Gemini predictions
Cancer will be one of the luckiest zodiac signs in terms of romance in the year 2022. The sense of responsibility toward another person will be liberating, and many of the difficulties, sometimes caused by traumas, can be solved through dedication and loyalty to the other person. Mistrust, which is very common among Cancer natives, will finally cease to be the subject of fruitless discussions, and will take a healing place as the issue is treated with due seriousness.
➡️ Click here to view this year’s Cancer predictions
2022 promises to be a reasonably good year for the Leo. This is because the main challenge will be to put yourself in your partner’s shoes and create openness to discuss the relationship. Mercury will demand from Leo natives the ability to empathize, and will reward those who respond to this request with deeper relationships, based on dialogue and the exchange of experiences, which makes life together much richer and more interesting. In addition, this will be a chance for Leonines to prove that they have learned from old mistakes and to show maturity in the face of adversity.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Leo predictions
Virgoans who are looking for a serious relationship – or even those who are not looking – will come across many positive developments in the love aspect of life. However, they will be faced with complicated situations, which should be solved with dialogue and companionship, especially in the second half of the year. Furthermore, romantic partnerships should be intensified, leading Virgoans to live the dramas of their respective partners with the same intensity as their own. It will be a favorable moment for reciprocity, and also a unique opportunity for the sharing of emotions and experiences between couples.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Virgo predictions
Librians should control their stubbornness in the year 2022, because it could be the last straw for many of the relationships contracted by the natives of this sign. In addition, Librians should be more present in the lives of their partners, striving to keep the passion equivalent. In this sense, it is worth mentioning that the nature of the air element is to be very fluid, sometimes forgetting to win the heart of the partner every day… This is another problem that should be repaired. The year will be good, as long as Librians pay attention to their partner’s demands and keep in mind that the relationship is always an exchange.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Libra predictions
Natives of the mysterious water sign are one of the signs most likely to find their ideal partner in the coming year. Nevertheless, the year is likely to be accompanied by confused feelings and unresolved stories, but the situation should be reversed through communication, and may even make the relationship even stronger! In other words, it will be a year that will put relationships to the test, and those who use the benefits of Mercury to their advantage will come out much better than they went in.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Scorpio predictions
In terms of romance, Sagittarians may be one of the luckiest natives in this field, being graced with the winds blowing in favor of serious and lasting relationships. It will be a time of firm commitments to each other, and even marriage may emerge as a viable option for both of you. The desire to create even more intimacy will flourish, becoming the balancing point of 2022 for Sagittarius natives.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Sagittarius predictions
To Capricornians looking for a new relationship, or even the strengthening of the current one, the year 2022 will fulfill the expectation of the native. There will be a greater predisposition to establish commitments with people, and this will stand out in the area of love. Like Sagittarians, Capricorns who are already in a relationship will begin to think about marriage. Those who remain single will feel inclined to fall in love.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Capricorn predictions
Aquarians will go through a catharsis in the sense of commitments. It is quite likely that by mid-2022 or so, thoughts will begin to become more mature on the subject, and the desire to be in a relationship will firm up by the end of the year. Aquarius natives’ suitors will be happy with the mental and behavioral change in their partners!
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Aquarius predictions
Last but not least, the year promises good news for the Pisceans too! At the beginning of the year, some difficulties will appear along the way, taking up the time of the Pisceans, but from the middle of 2022 onwards, the love life of the Pisces natives is predicted to improve a lot. By the end of the year, there will be a renewal of vows of commitment, making the relationship clearer and firmer. For singles, this will be the right time for new communications, and because of this, new people will emerge, arousing the interest – and intentions – of the native.
➡️ Click here to see this year’s Pisces predictions
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