Psalm 12: power of the pure words of God

Psalm 12 is a psalm of lamentation that focuses on the evil power of the words of sinners. The psalmist shows how much the wicked can do evil with their perverse mouths, but ensures that the power of the pure words of God can save the righteous.
Psalm 12: protection against defamation
Read the sacred words below with great faith:
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“ 1 Help, Lord, for no one is faithful anymore;
those who are loyal have vanished from the human race.
2 Everyone lies to their neighbor;
they flatter with their lips
but harbor deception in their hearts.3 May the Lord silence all flattering lips
and every boastful tongue—
4 those who say,
“By our tongues we will prevail;
our own lips will defend us—who is lord over us?”5 “Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan,
I will now arise,” says the Lord.
“I will protect them from those who malign them.”
6 And the words of the Lord are flawless,
like silver purified in a crucible,
like gold refined seven times.7 You, Lord, will keep the needy safe
and will protect us forever from the wicked,
8 who freely strut about
when what is vile is honored by the human race.”
Interpretation of psalm 12
Verse 1 and 2
In these verses, the psalmist seems unbelieving that there are still faithful and honest people in the world. Where he looks, there is falsehood, clumsy words, and people who deceive themselves. He accuses the wicked of using words to destroy and hurt others.
Verse 3 and 4
In these verses he asks for divine justice. He cries out that God punishes those who face sovereign power, who mock the divine, as if they owe no honor and respect to the creator. They believe that they can speak whatever they please, even about God, and the psalmist asks God to punish them.
Verse 5 and 6
In these excerpts from Psalm 12, the psalmist shows that he was raised even in the face of all the pain and oppression that has passed, thanks to the divine words. God heard his prayers and kept him safe. He then emphasizes the purity of the word of God, using the analogy of a purified silver.
Verse 7 and 8
In the final verses, he asks for God’s protection from the evil tongues of the wicked. He asks that he defend the weak and poor of this generation that is everywhere. He reinforces the belief in Christ and asks for his protection against all defamation.
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