Solar Return: an idea of what lies ahead in your life

If you are interested in Astrology, you know that having your birth chart read can be a stunning experience. It’s true that your birth chart give us some clues about our character and personality traits, but it won’t ‘answer’ our specific questions about the immediate future. That’s why, we think, to do a Solar Return chart can be illuminating.
As the name suggests, this chart – that is quite different from a birth chart – is a look into the skies when the sun returns to its natal placement, or where it was when you were born. What does this mean exactly? How does this Solar Return influences our (future) life?
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Solar Return: the moment you enter your personal new year
This sun movement happens once every year, since the Solar Return, also known as your birthday, returns to the exact position and degree it was on the day you were born.
Let us remember that the Sun represents our life force. It’s an energy provider – not only for all the living things on earth, but specially for the spirit. Ever day it help us to renew our aura feed, our energetic fields and our sense of future (or hope).
Well, at our birthday, it also represents a turning point in our life, the beginning of a new phase, new wishes and dreams, a new opportunity to evolve. And these are just some of the reasons why we celebrate it.
Some say that, in this particular day – the beginning of a new solar year -, our thoughts, intentions, and ideas are ten times more powerful – reason why it’s the perfect moment to do a wishlist, to give some direction to the universe. Do you feel the power of this ritual? The importance of making a list of all the things you’d like to manifest in the next twelve months?
What will arise during your new solar year
The Solar Return chart is a tool that helps us to know more about what our (new) year may bring. It’s based on a similar idea of Saturn Return, since it spells out the specifics for the year’s events and spiritual development.
In order to draw up your chart accurately, look for an astrologer. They will ask you only for your birthdate, since the location of your birth it’s not important. Still, they will ask you where you’ll be on your next birthday when reading your Solar Return chart. From where you are on Earth, your planetary signs will be different from those on your birth chart.
These planetary signs will express your movement for the next year. For example, being aware of your Solar Return moon sign can help you understand what’s motivating your feelings and driving your innermost thoughts. With this we want to say that the Solar Return chart can help you to understand the next phase of your spiritual path, to bring some light to your motivations, decisions and life directions.
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- Sun Sign and Moon Sign in the Birth Chart
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