Sun Sign and Moon Sign in the Birth Chart

The Sun sign and Moon sign in the birth chart show our predestined personality (Sun), and deepest inner emotions (Moon) – by way of what sign the planet was in at the moment of our birth. Each of these planetary bodies reflects natural urges, so when combined with the energy of the zodiac sign it was in, we gain insight into our true essence in this lifetime.
Planetary Energies and Zodiac Sign Energies
The zodiac signs in the birth chart are the foundation of interpreting the astrological energy you have carried, and will carry, through your entire life.
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As we have mentioned in the Natal Birth Chart: Everything You Need to Know article, the natal birth chart is a scientific and mathematical chart that calculates the position of the planets and the zodiac sign they are located in at the exact time of birth.
What this foundational structure of interpretation is based on is the combination of:
- The impulse and energy the corresponding planet possesses, and
- The attributes and energy that the corresponding zodiac sign that planet sits in, possesses in itself
Your Sun sign and Moon sign are the first two most significant signs to interpret in your birth chart. In this article we will give a very brief description of each combination that is possible, for both your Sun and Moon sign, in the chart below.
To best utilize the chart, it is important to remember the meaning of both the Sun and the Moon, and then apply the characteristics you see below to the meaning that the Sun and Moon reflect individually.
The Energy of the Sun
The Sun represents our conscious mind and ego in the natal birth chart. Just as the Sun is the source of life here on Earth, it reflects our own creative life force; just as all of the planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun, all of our natural impulses and our life purpose revolves around the location of the Sun at the time of birth. It reflects:
- The “self” at its core
- The personality and identity
- Soul purpose
- Sense of vitality, will and sense of determination
- What we are naturally drawn to and like/enjoy
- How we are unique
- Action
The Energy of the Moon
The Moon represents our unconscious mind in the natal birth chart. The Moon possesses a feminine energy, so as the Sun represents the Father, the Moon is considered the Mother but also the “inner child.” Therefore, it represents the maternal characteristics of being responsive and and receptive, but also represents the innocent characteristics of both instinctual and spontaneous reactions. It reflects:
- The unconscious “self”
- Emotions and truest emotional needs
- Natural instincts and habits
- Deepest desires
- Inner mood
- Reaction
If you desire more information about the energy that each planet or zodiac sign reflects, you can easily refer to our article Natal Birth Chart: Everything You Need to Know for a more in-depth reference to help interpret your own chart.
Quadruplicity: Cardinal
Element: Fire
Ruled by: Mars
Independent, pioneer, impulsive, confident, bossy, action-oriented, courageous, hot-tempered, powerful, energetic, dynamic, does as they please, the “leader of the pack”
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of an Aries, so they:
- Emotionally crave anything with adventurous and pioneering energy
- Have an innate need for passion and excitement
- Possess an inner desire to forge their own trail and be independent
- May act impulsively without considering the consequences, as their emotional needs are tied to the action of initiation
- Are argumentative and competitive
- Will stand up for any cause they believe in
- Require an outlet for their creative and physical energy to feel emotionally at ease
- Need independence in the emotional aspects of life: romance, family, and personal
- May run away from situations if it gets tough, as their sense of self-worth is tied to being a leader of all aspects of life
Quadruplicity: Fixed
Element: Earth
Ruled by: Venus
Dependable, materialistic, stubborn, passionate, fixed, rigid, practical, loyal, security-seeking, tangible, strong-minded, sensual, self-centered, indulgent, enjoys luxury, ruled by the 5 senses
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Taurus, so they:
- Have a natural need to provide security
- Tend to find self-worth tied to luxury and the finer things, but it is more for themselves than for the ego
- Emotionally invest in their relationships as much as they invest in material possessions
- Require a partner that reciprocates romantic sensuality and grounded love
- Tend to be lazy, since their emotions and innermost desires are tied to “things” than achievement
- Live the phrase “slow and steady”
- Are emotionally sensitive to their physical environment and comfort
- Unconsciously perceive situations beforehand and choose those that are quiet, stable, and comfortable
- Can experience strong frustration with change, because they are not emotionally flexible to new circumstancess
Quadruplicity: Mutable
Element: Air
Ruled by:Mercury
Changes mind frequently, a “talker” and gossiper, superficial, ruled by lower mind, quick-witted, logical, flexible, expressive, friendly, dual personalities, ruled by communication, adaptable
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Gemini, so they:
- Have an innate desire to be social and talkative
- Enjoy deep connections in communication and emotional banter
- Are excellent at communicating their emotions and feelings – written and verbally
- Crave expression of words and ideas
- Also feel a deep desire to share those multiple internal ideas (especially via social media)
- Emotionally need a partner whose personality or communication style complements theirs
- Show their mutable side by talking the talk, but not necessarily always following through with action
- Possess a busy mind that is constantly changing course and seems distracted, due to following emotional triggers
- Rationalize feelings easily, but sometimes do not “feel” those feelings as deeply, causing restlessness
Quadruplicity: Cardinal
Element: Water
Ruled by: The Moon
Nurturing, emotional, self-centered,overly-maternal, sensitive,self-protective, moody,intimate, vulnerable,emotionally demanding,caring, intuitive, perceptive
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Cancer, so they:
- Are the epitome of the emotional and psychological aspects of nurturing, as the Moon rules their sig!
- Have an extremely strong sense of empathy and compassion
- Intuitively understand what others need
- Possess an innate need and desire to support and protect
- Are the zodiac sign most strongly driven by emotion
- Have a Cardinal need to act, translating into a need to act in any way that helps and supports others’ well being
- Tend to have a deep connection to all things domestic: the home, family, and a feeling of togetherness within
- Have their self-worth tied to the home and family connections they create
- Will show ever-changing moods in cycles, just as the Moon possesses
Quadruplicity: Fixed
Element: Fire
Ruled by: The Sun
Bold, an “entertainer,” expressive, enjoys admiration, attention-seeking, dramatic, hypersensitive, unable to take criticism, creative, influential, egotistical, spontaneous, energetic, likeable.
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Leo, so they:
- Are natural leaders as achievement is tied to their sense of self-worth
- Crave love and are hurt deeply if their love is not returned
- Possess an innate need to be appreciated
- Utilize pride to conceal true feelings since they are emotionally uncomfortable with being vulnerable
- Possess an innocent and soft side underneath their cover-ups that displays true love
- Need a lot of love and adoration to do well in the world
- Get overly dramatic if they feel slighted emotionally
- Are extremely creative, bringing Leo energy into projects that is more about an inner desire rather than to be acknowledged and appreciated
- Can act distant if they feel their feelings are not being accepted with gratitude
Quadruplicity: Mutable
Ruled by: Mercury
Humanitarian, analytical, righteous, justice-seeking, critical of self and others, perfectionist, pure, detail-oriented, obsessive compulsive, judging, rigid, good intentions, wavering self-confidence
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Virgo, so they:
- Have an intrinsic need and also willingness to help others
- Tend to guard their emotions very closely
- Are constructive and supportive with others
- Can be the zodiac’s strongest natural therapist
- Crave organization and order to be at ease in their personal life
- Have their emotions tied to an obsession with neatness, cleanliness, and visual organization of the home
- Feel the highest self-worth when they are healthy; this includes exercising and nutritional focuses
- Take it to heart when details, order, and structure is not appreciated by others in the workplace
- Can be neurotic at times, as their perfectionist ways go further than just their personality, but into their value of self and emotional state
Quadruplicity: Cardinal
Element: Air
Ruled by: Venus
Aims to please others, harmony-seeking, balanced, flirty, fair, compromising, manipulative, naive, cooperative, controlling, uplifting, spontaneous, independent point of view, obsessively finds justice and equality important
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Libra, so they:
- Have an intensely deep need for harmony and peace in their life
- Find they have an inborn necessity to connect and create rapport with others
- Possess a Cardinal need to act, translating in Libra to do whatever is required to restore balance
- Crave a social environment that mirrors the same emotional need for harmony and balance
- Are natural peacemakers
- Hold the power to be one of the zodiac’s strongest negotiators
- Can be very diplomatic
- Are talented in seeing situations from all points of view
- Get along with nearly everyone
- Have strong social skills
- Are fair-minded and reasonable
Quadruplicity: Fixed
Element: Water
Ruled by: Pluto (& Mars)
Investigative, psychic, controlling, possessive, secretive, darker interests such as mysticism and the occult studies, dominating, impatient, insecure, attention-seeking, unpredictable, emotional, antagonist, blunt, transformative, intuitive
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Scorpio, so they:
- Are super intense in whatever they do
- Have an unconscious desire for transformation
- Innately feel a pull to their passions and desires
- Feel sexual chemistry, and in turn have an inner need to feel attractive to their partner
- Sexually feel either black or white when it comes to a partner; it’s either hot or cold
- Require an incredible sense of loyalty and security to gain trust
- May seem “impossible to please”
- Have emotions that have already seen a “darker” side, so they try and transform others to feel comfort in vulnerability
- Are not always comfortable expressing their feelings outwardly
- Possess emotions that consume them both on the inner and outer
- Enjoy going into “confinement” for periods of time, but emerge as a seemingly different person
Quadruplicity: Mutable
Element: Fire
Ruled by: Jupiter
Optimistic, freedom-seeking, hot-tempered, intellectual, spiritual, blunt, cultural, knowledge-seeking, open-minded, enthusiastic, spontaneous, reckless, superior, impulsive, procrastinator, idealistic, broad viewpoints, ruled by the higher mind
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Sagittarian, so they:
- Have an unconscious desire to be the philosophers of the zodiac
- Are adventurous and always seeking infinite freedom
- Feel claustrophobic when approached with emotionally-charged energy higher mind
- Are open to relationships and partnerships if it will fulfill their inner desire to positively grow
- Their innermost needs require anything that assists in growth of truth and wisdom
- Will be drawn in relationships to those where collaboration of the minds will occur
- May possess a value that assists their inner need for intuitive choices, (such as religion, tarot, or other spiritual “sign” revealer
- Have zero tolerance for anything or anyone who prove narrow-minded or shallow
- Will always provide an emotional sense of infinite possibilities and infectious sense of humor, which they cannot help but exude
Quadruplicity: Cardinal
Element: Earth
Ruled by: Saturn
Authoritative, responsible, practical, strives for achievement, controlling, dominating,has common sense, sense of order, approval-seeking, ambitious, critical, organized, watchful, managing, full of integrity, grounded, have a need to feel useful, uninterested in frivolous things, need for recognition in the world, strong love of framework, plan for the future, steady, sure-footed
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Capricorn, so they:
- Emotionally have an inner need to feel successful and thus Cap moons are considered the “CEO of the zodiac”
- Tend to follow roles of leadership or those where high levels of ambition are necessary to fulfill their desired self-image
- Enjoy taking on a ton of responsibility to achieve success, which can lead to resentment of themselves for not being able to fulfill the desires of their conscious side (Sun, if different)
- Have a tough time facing their true feelings and asking for what they truly want
- Can sometimes play the victim; since the unconscious drives them toward responsibility of success, unconscious spitefulness creates a lack of taking responsibility for their problems
- May seem rough around the edges but their sense of structure and foundational stabilityis apparent
- Emotionally need a few people to confide in to help sort through their battling inner feelings
- Have a tough time exiting a relationship due to the unconscious feeling of achievement and having put time into something
Quadruplicity: Fixed
Element: Air
Ruled by: Uranus (& Saturn)
Unique, curious, progressive, intellectual, impersonal, scrutinous, refusing of outdated tactics, idealist, witty, clever, defensive, self-identifying, alienating, erratic, objective, pushy with knowledge, inspirational, inventive, independent, insightful, dominating, unwilling to conform or follow the typical path, stubborn, prefer to be free of societal conditioning and expectations
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of an Aquarian, so they:
- Tend to fight actually feeling their feelings, thus attempting to rationalize emotions with how they think instead of how they feel
- Have an edgy and experimental way of fulfilling their innermost desires
- Unconsciously lean toward futuristic and radical ideas and ways of life
- Are emotionally open when it comes to sexuality, and are comfortable with “no strings attached” or “friends with benefits” relationships
- Tend to be emotionally detached, so whether they know it or not, can cause loved ones to feel unappreciated
- Can be drawn to social media sites where the sense of connection is there, but with less pressure of a face-to-face reality
- Will come across as an individual, very quirky, and even strange to some people – this is a good thing, because their innermost desires are to be idea
Quadruplicity: Mutable
Element: Water
Ruled by: Neptune (& Jupiter)
Idealist, indulgent, artistic, out of touch with reality, intuitive, impractical, psychic, irresponsible, spiritual, escapist, directionless, lives in a dream world, compassionate, creative, relatable to everyone, adaptable, open-minded, successful in expression-based careers (arts), imaginative, self-insightful, tuned into a higher purpose.
Their emotional needs, instincts and innermost desires are that of a Pisces, so they:
- Need plenty of time to daydream
- Feel things out for a while and utilize intuition to make choices
- Require space to be alone
- Are sensitive to human suffering
- Possess an empathic nature that can cause them to take on others’ energy
- Have a style that is unique and sometimes unconventional
- Are able to discern between sincerity and manipulation
- Have a very open yet shy and quiet sexual nature, which requires deep emotions and real love to bring it out of them
- Understands how things feel without actual experience, which makes them great candidates for acting, writers, musicians, poets, artists
- Occasionally retreat from the world to recharge
- May become overly sentimental, leading to worries and anxiety
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