Taurus in house 11: harmonious and stable social life

Once you find out that you have Taurus in house 11 of your natal chart, it’s time to analyze what it means!
In this article, you understand how Taurus influences your experience in this lifetime. Each house of the natal chart represents a different area of our lives. The eleventh house represents social life and community.
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To understand how Taurus vibes work in house 11, it’s better to separately learn the energies of Taurus and house 11. The next step is to gather both information. That’s exactly what we will do here!
The importance of learning about Taurus in house 11
All signs influence your life in different areas! They have highest and lowest vibes, and everyone can understand how it works and make the best of it.
To interpret how you have been using Taurus energies, you can start by doing an exercise. Check your attitudes and feelings in the area of your life in focus, in this case, all that concerns the house 11. You need to be realistic about your challenges, your negative attitudes, but also the positive and healthy ones. Take notes, organize your ideas, it will help you figure out how you can boost the positive energies of Taurus. It’s a tool of self-knowledge, but even better a development exercise.
Astrology show tendencies; indicates you a pathway of self-understanding yourself, and allows you to consciously improve the energies of your life.
Keep reading and learn more about Taurus in house 11!
Taurus in house 11: the importance of social life
Taurus Zodiac sign: the garden
Ruled by Venus, Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. Therefore, learning about Venus will also help you understand how Taurus influences you. Taurus is represented by the garden, where you find the energy of stability, blossoming, and sensorial pleasure. He gives the consistency to what Aries began. Its steady energy helps you materialize your ideas. It can go slowly, however, once the movement starts, nothing can stop it.
Where you have Taurus in your natal chart, you search for, stability, safety, and pleasure. Things can feel slower, but when the journey starts you know it won’t stop again.
Taurus vibes want you to appreciate life and be grateful for your accomplishments. It’s about that proud feeling you have when looking back to everything you have conquered in life. It’s also where you enjoy sensorial pleasure and luxury, where you want to feel with all the cells of your body.
Taurus is beauty and nature.
The challenge of Taurus is flexibility. He resists to changes or taking any risks. Is where you like routines, and look for stability in relationships and situations. When one of these aspects suffers a transformation, Taurus resists.
The most common lowest vibes are inertia, self-indulgence, and laziness. It can also show up in acts of egoism.
House 11: social life
The eleventh house refers to social and group life. Represents experiences of integration and social life, which are linked to your life in the community along your journey.
It also shows the public side of your relationships. It’s the house of marriage in the most traditional perspective of it. It’s about the long and lasting bonds of your life, responsible for projects and ideas in common.
It refers to the moment in your life when society notices you and reacts to who you are. As well, at a certain point, you are in a search for approval, or at least, for your place.
Taurus in house 11: find out the opportunities in your social life
If you have Taurus in house 11 your group of friends is amazing! Beautiful and tender people, who feel nurtured by you. You can fall in the lowest vibes of Taurus wanting too much from your friends and putting them through tests, try to avoid it. Although, a good selection of the people who surround you is extremely important.
Your friends help you develop your stability and system of beliefs, therefore, you want to be close to people that are aligned with what you want in life.
You can come up with great ideas with your friends and have good opportunities in life from these connections. Enjoy it and use it for doing good.
If you get married, the social aspect of your relationship will be that you are extremely stable and harmonious, and you can also have good opportunities from this connection.
Remember, your values and harmony depend on these connections. You want to pay attention to the energies you let influence you. You can achieve great happiness from your relationships!