The Star: discover the meaning of this Tarot card

The 78-card tarot deck has been in practice since ancient times, to connect with Source and divine energy. A tarot reading will uncover answers and provide additional insight into your life. This intuitive wisdom helps you understand your personal destiny, challenges, and future events to come. The Star Card is card “17” of the tarot deck, and holds a significant meaning when it appears in a reading.
The Star Card: Meaning
The Star Card is a part of the Major Arcana, or the first 21 cards of the deck. These cards are the trump cards of the deck, numbered 0 to 22.
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The Star Card is labeled number “17,” and therefore also contains the energetic vibration of the Number Seventeen.
Associations we will utilize to uncover and interpret the meaning of The Star Card include its visual illustration on the card, the interpretation of the Number Seventeen in Numerology, and its relationship with the zodiac sign Aquarius.
Visual Interpretation of The Star Card
The Star Card displays a naked woman kneeling by the edge of a small water source. She is holding two containers of water; she is pouring the container in the right hand into the pool of water, and pouring the container in the left hand onto the Earth beside her. She has one foot in the water, and the other foot on the Earth as she is kneeling on the ground.
We can see one large star and seven smaller stars behind and above her – a total of eight, 8-pointed stars. There is also a bird on top of a tree in the distance behind her.
The woman is naked to represent fertility, just as the lush greenery around her symbolizes. The water she is pouring onto the land separates into 5 tinier streams, which represents our five senses here in the physical. The water being poured into the pool represents the collective unconscious.
Having one foot in the water and one foot on land portrays the perfect balance of duality we must possess here on Earth: the balance between the physical realm and the spiritual realm.
The stars behind her hold possess significant symbolism. The bigger star depicts the idea that it is time for this woman to shine and utilize her natural talents and gifts. The 7 smaller stars represent spiritual awakening as well as our 7 chakras.
Notably, they are all 8-pointed stars, which is a huge reference to the Numerology of this card , number “17” of the tarot deck.
The bird in the tree is the Ibis, which is the hieroglyphic symbol for the God Thoth, the guardian of the collective unconscious, (or Akashic Records). He appears because the woman is finally ready to understand the wisdom he guards so protectively, as she has undergone the experiences necessary from the preceding Death and Tower cards.
Numerology Association
The Number One possesses an energy of pioneering, independence, masculinity, confidence, new beginnings, initiation, and individuality.
The Number Seven possesses an energy of heightened awareness, logic, organization, introspection, contemplation, uncovering truth, mysticism, alchemy, psychic abilities, spirituality, and spiritual awakening.
The Number Eight possesses an energy of strength, infinity, karma, methodical professionalism, self-confidence, authority, discernment, insight, inner strength, and divine balance of wisdom and practicality.
Therefore, the Number Seventeen holds a vibration of confidence (1), spirituality (7), and confident balance of wisdom (8).
Zodiac Association
The astrological zodiac sign of Aquarius is ruled by the Star Card in the tarot. Aquarius is represented by the glyph of the Water Bearer, which is an image metaphorically showing someone pouring out their “spiritual strength” to a world that desperately needs it.
Aquarius represents a certain determination to assist the collective by giving from the truest of beliefs. It is a freedom seeking and rebellious energy that also somehow possesses incredible humanitarianism, loyalty, intellect, and inventiveness.
A fixed sign, Aquarius is often uncomfortable with small changes, however it is the bigger changes in life that provide intense stimulation and a strong desire to conquer.
A deep thinking sign, it emanates strong analytical and communication skills with a passion for pushing boundaries and breaking conformity – all for the better good of the world.
What The Star Card Means In a Reading
The Star Card reflects an energy of strength and embracing the divine qualities of yourself to shine like the star you are.
When this card appears, know you must be confident in your natural abilities and spiritual growth to achieve divine balance of the sacred wisdom that resides within all of us.
During the current period of your life, or the time you are inquiring about during a reading, know that you are being blessed and the Universe is on your side. You are about to enter a very stable, loving, and calm phase of your life, which will be enhanced by a deeper and divine understanding that you possess and that those around you possess.
You have experienced the challenges of life, and no matter how tough they were, you have grown from it. You are now ready to go through a deeper transformation, one of healing and forgiveness. Be open to new ideas, accept your strengths and weaknesses, renew your self-esteem, and always listen to the voice and intuition you hold inside.
You may be craving new knowledge, belief systems, and spiritual growth. Ride with it, follow inspiration, and know that your Higher Self has predestined your life purpose – and this is a huge part of that journey!
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