6 things you should do before meditate

Meditation is a way of making our body and mind connect equally and find a balance between them. There are several ways to learn to meditate and, even more important, there are several things you should do before meditate. All you have to do is follow our tips to start this practice that will bring you numerous of benefits to your physical and mental health.
What you should do before meditate, step by step

Things you should do before meditate: Start slowly
Meditating for 10 minutes a day is enough for beginners. Start by choosing a distraction-free and quiet place.
Try not to charge yourself too much if you can’t keep your focus, we all have a hard time “shutting up” the inner voices of our thoughts. After a month or two, you can already feel the effects.

Accept your thoughts
In the beginning you will notice the volume of thoughts that your mind is capable of producing, and you may even be amazed by this. It’s inevitable, you will think of random situations when you start meditating, and that’s okay.
Modern life can be hectic and this means that people do not pay full attention to their thoughts. When meditating, just accept that they will be there too, but don’t get attached to them.
By clinging to your thoughts they will take you further and further, and this will consequently hinder your practice. When a new thought arises, accept it and make room for it to go.

You don’t need a mantra (but you can have one if you want)
It’s quite common for people to confuse the mantra with a phrase you use to guide your life – a life motto. Mantra means “vehicle for the mind” and can be used in meditation as a tool that will help you to enter (or continue) the practice.
Some types of meditation use sounds, counting breaths or even the rhythm of breathing as something similar to a mantra. Another way to think about it is to see it as an anchor. Mantra anchors your mind while you meditate.

Things you should do before meditate: Feel the breathing
Paying attention to your breath is the most basic and universal way of turning to the present and it could not be left out of these tips.
One of the most used techniques for those who start meditation practice is to choose a point above the navel and focus solely and exclusively on the movement of that place. Feel your breathing flow naturally and keep your attention on your abdomen as you breathe and inhale. Make no conscious effort to change your breathing patterns, just breathe normally.

Meditate with eyes open or closed
Concentration is one of the most important points of practice. Therefore, it is best to meditate with your eyes closed to avoid being distracted by other things in the environment. But, if it is difficult to control sleep, choose to do the meditation with your eyes open.

The best posture and position
Meditation can be practiced in the position you find most comfortable. You do not necessarily need to cross your legs in the lotus position, with your palms open, resting on your knee. It’s possible to meditate lying down, standing, sitting on a chair or leaning on a pillow.
The correct posture is one that will allow you to not move for long. The important thing is not to feel uncomfortable, as your attention will be totally focused on the pain, deviating the focus from meditating.
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