The magic of being born in a mirror hour

Were you born in a mirror hour and you want to know what it means?
According to many philosophers and psychologists, such as the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung, nothing happens out of reason. That idea also applies to birth time. Therefore, that first breathe of yours as a baby, that connected you to this physical world has a meaning! That’s why through numerology, or astrology, you can learn relevant messages about your life.
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According to the idea of synchronicity, the fact that you were born in a mirror hour has a strong meaning. It shapes not only your personality, and will set the energy tone in your life, it also says a lot about your relationship with the universe.
The meaning of being born in a mirror hour
If you were born in a mirror hour, you can understand better your energy and purpose in this existence by knowing its meaning. But before that, a few notes about mirror hours.
Mirror hours are, for example, 05:05 or 20:20. Basically, you see the double figures, when an hour and minutes match up.
The most common reference to mirror hours is when a person sees it several times in a row, or when different events happen at that same time. It’s related to the synchronicity theory, and it’s a phenomenon that is considered to have a message for you. Nevertheless, it’s not exactly easy to understand that message. You need to pay close attention to figure it out.
Despite that, there are a few options to help you:
- It’s telling you that your subconscious is searching for answers;
- It’s a warning from your guardian angel;
- A person is currently thinking of you;
- You must stay present;
- The present moment is giving you important messages to your life.
Adding to that, you have the meaning of the number so that you can stay matching the pieces and find some answers.
Those are the meanings that you need to check to learn more about yourself from the fact that you were born in a mirror hour. What is the message of the universe for you and how does it shape the energy of your life? Find it out.
Born in a mirror hour
Being born in a mirror hour as a special meaning. There are 24 mirror hours and each has a specific meaning.
A strong connection with the sacred and the whole, this hour represents the beginning and the end.
It shows a life of new beginnings, self-reflection, and great success if you have the courage to face your own limits.
You have a strong personality and a leadership role in this life. You just need to be careful to not become egocentric and not paying attention to the others.
Keep practicing your listening skills, so that you can use your energy and purpose in the best way for everyone.
You need stability in your life to feel confident about your future. You a humble soul, but you need to be careful and work on your self-esteem and trust in who you are.
Your biggest skills are empathy and concentration.
Born in a mirror hour 03:03
You have great imagination and creativity. You love your social life and you are charming.
Nonetheless, be careful to not enter a life of illusion, and use your communication skills to help others.
You have a strong connection with the universe and you see how everything is strongly connected. That’s why you have strong ecological concerns, and you can use your vision of the world to make a difference.
You are driven through passion, as well as your creativity. That intensity and your proactive approach will translate into a lot of opportunities.
Be careful to lose yourself in a world of luxury and illusion.
Born in a mirror hour 06:06
You might have some tendency to be alone, and your health is something central in your life. Therefore, to commit to self-development and holistic health is your main purpose here.
This is a powerful number, and you will have a life of study and a role of transformation throughout your life. Your inner journey will lead other people to knowledge and change as well. Because of that, you have a strong responsibility.
A life of opportunities that has one main challenge, you need to work on your perseverance.
Because of that, remember every time that with a little extra effort, you’ll achieve your goals.
You are a role model for others, especially in the spirituality field. Nevertheless, you have a big task in order to stay balanced: you need to learn when to turn inwards and give energy to yourself.
A fruitful financial and sexual life, that will give you a lot of pleasure. In order to achieve that, you need to work hard and to stay conscious of your choices and respect for others.
Born in a mirror hour 11:11
A blessing and a strong challenge at the same time! Because this is a special number, it also means that you will face big challenges. You need to work a lot on your spirituality in this life, otherwise, you might become someone with a tendency to try to manipulate people around you.
But if you work it out, you can have a life of great enlightenment.
Your spiritual connection is so high, that your intuition is infallible, and you might even have medium skills.
In order to have a meaningful life, work on your energy and your chakras, understanding where are your blockages and how to overcome them.
You’ll need a lot of introspection, and to be flexible enough to embrace the cycle of Life/Death/Life. Understand how it works and applies to your ideas and project will be your greatest tool.
You need to be always moving forward, and you have a hard time to stop and rest.
Due to that, your biggest challenge in life will be to understand that no everyone is like you and accept it with love and respect.
You are protected by the Divine, and you will develop through your life a strong connection with the angels.
Meditation is extremely important to your path.
Don’t let your pride and need for solitude to be so strong that you put other people down and end up alone. Work these aspects in a positive way and use it for self-confidence, empathy, and to invest in meditation and self-knowledge.
Born in a mirror hour 17:17
Your will power is so strong that life will keep throwing challenges at you. Due to that, you’ll grow humble but the strongest one as well. Your potential is amazing, but you need to keep your feet on the ground. Otherwise, you’ll get lost in illusions.
You have a strong connection to magic and you love your rituals. This is somehow connected to a tendency to want everything perfect and beautiful and you might note the tendency of high hopes and a cycle of delusions. Especially on what concerns love.
Learn how to live your beauty and romanticism in a positive way so that you don’t keep hurting yourself.
The “yes” person! You have so much energy that you feel you can do everything. With time and focus, you’ll learn where to put your energy and how to make the most out of it.
Born in a mirror hour 20:20
You are curious and you love to study. Additionally, your interest is so diverse that you have a hard time choosing where you want to focus. Most likely, you’ll keep studying until the day of your passage to another reality.
Your life will be of big responsibility, especially in your working life. Additionally, you have a hard time asking for the fair reward from your service to the world. Finding your balance will be your greatest task and your key to freedom and well-being.
Born in a mirror hour 22:22
You are committed and you have a great sense of purpose, that will lead you to an important role in your community. You want to improve your community life and that is wonderful. You’ll need to learn how to work with others, otherwise, you’ll live a lot of frustration.
A great desire for traveling and being always on adventures will define your life. On top of that, you are flexible and creative.
Nevertheless, you struggle to find your path and what purpose to give to your life. Therefore, investment in self-development will give you a hand figuring it out.
We hope this journey by finding out more about the meaning of born in a mirror hour is a happy and fruitful one for you. Remember, all energies can be used positively with some focus, effort, and love!