7 relaxation hacks that will make you reborn

The hectic routine and the lack of time to rest open more and more space for tensions and stress. Prioritizing leisure and physical exercise is a way to dispel worries. On a daily routine, it can be even simpler. Some relaxation hacks may help you calm down.
7 relaxation hacks that science aproves
You need more self-control
It may seem difficult to forget everything that is happening and disconnect from the world, but strive to relax, for example to force yourself and listen to music and breathe deeply, when all you really want to do is respond to emails, it doesn’t work. Find an activity that lets your mind relax. You deserve it.
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Stop thinking about what is stressing you
Perhaps your subconscious is still connecting points and trying to solve problems in the background, but your consciousness cannot be at work – instead, it must float on your own freeway. An activity to relax, therefore, cannot trigger anxiety.
You shouldn’t disturb your sleep
If watching television (other than the newspapers) doesn’t get in the way of trying to sleep, that’s fine. The same goes for a glass of wine. But be careful: studies show that if consumed within a few hours before bed, both can interfere with sleep – the culprits are the blue light of the first and the alcohol of the second. If you are struggling to sleep, it’s probably best to eliminate the last minute TV and your evening drink.
Relaxation hacks – Walking around
Walking can increase creative thinking by 40 to 60 percent. At first, some researchers believed that the main benefit of walking was the increase in blood flow to the brain, but apparently there is a connection between walking and paying attention, more specifically in the region of our body responsible for enjoying things. So walking around can be a good way to relax and think about other things.
Spending time in nature
Time spent in nature is directly related with more relaxing physiological and psychological states – even seeing images of natural landscapes for a few minutes can increase our creative thinking. In the book The Nature Fix, Florence Williams suggests that “nature soothes us with gentle fascination, helping to rest our faculties of direct attention from top to bottom”.
Relaxation hacks – Sleep
Yes, the sleep again. Sleeping well is essential for our sanity and physical well-being. During sleep, your body rests and is reborn, while your mind consolidates and connects the information you obtained during the day.
Short naps (10 to 30 minutes) can give a boost of energy and creativity, but nothing can replace the enormous importance of sleeping seven to nine hours a night. It’s simple: sleeping well, at the right times, is one of the most productive things you can do.
Many people think that meditating is “emptying the thought”. Obviously, it’s hard not to think about anything at all. So the secret of the last of our relaxation hacks is to focus. Pay attention to the sensations that you can feel in different parts of your body.
You can close your eyes and concentrate deeply on your feet against the floor, your lungs contracting and relaxing and your heart calmly beating.
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