Gemini and Scorpio compatibility

A couple formed by Gemini and Scorpio have very low compatibility. But before checking the compatibility, learn a bit more about these signs.
The compatibility between those born under the signs of Gemini and Scorpio is quite low. This means that both parties must work hard if they want their relationship to work, which is not impossible to happen.
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So, if both people are totally determined and committed to each other, they can do anything they want, but they should be careful not to get involved in uncomfortable scenes, where even a small sentence can become a challenge.
Gemini and Scorpio compatibility: how will the relationship work?
We could say that Gemini and Scorpio are completely opposite signs, which we can even see in all aspects of their personalities. This means that to make a relation like this work, it can be a real challenge.
Those born under the sign of Scorpio are highly emotional, characterized by always forming deep and meaningful relationships. On the other hand, people born under the Gemini sign rarely relate deeply to other people and most of their love relationships tend to be more superficial than emotional until they meet their true love.
Also, as they are so different, we can point out that Scorpio does not like to have meaningless discussions with no concrete purpose, something that Gemini people love.
Scorpio always seeks the deep meaning for everything and this is too annoying to Gemini, that with his frivolity will not be very nice to Scorpio.
How do they communicate?
One of the most serious problems for the couple of Gemini and Scorpio is the incoherence that Gemini tends to have to shock the stability of Scorpio. Besides that, Scorpio can be very intense with his partner Gemini, too attached and intimidating.
The possessive character and the high level of demand that Scorpio has can also make the Gemini partner feel trapped and also suffocated.
What about sex?
Sexually, Scorpio tries to surprise his partner Gemini, and both will have the opportunity to enjoy together in an interesting, passionate and very happy intimacy.
But the Gemini sign may be able to respond in the same way to the deep sexual need that the Scorpio partner needs. So, in what comes to their intimacy, they should have a lot of love. They need also to have much patience and trust one another, if they want their relationship to last.
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