Sacred Yoni, Sacred Me

In this article, you will find out what is the Sacred Yoni. Adding to that, learn how you to start a revolution of your relationship with your body and sexuality. A first step, or a step further if you are already in the search, to deepen the knowledge about yourself and your sacred energy. Let’s get into it!
Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the female genitalia. It refers to the vagina and the womb. Nevertheless, it can also be used to refer to the whole pelvic floor. Includes the perineum, all the associated muscles, soft tissues, bones, and all the physiognomy as well as it’s energetic potential. But the most beautiful part it’s the meaning of the word and the reason why it’s the Sacred Yoni. Keep reading and find out the beauty of this concept!
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The roots of the Sacred Yoni
Yoni has a few translations, each one more beautiful than the other. It means Sacred Place, Divine Way, Sacred Temple, Fountain of Life, Place of Birth, among other interpretations.
Most of us grow with the conception of sexuality and therefore, our sexual organs, as something dirty, that must be hidden. Rescuing the word yoni and the philosophy around it is a way of building a new approach towards your own body.
In Hinduism, the Yoni is connected to Shakti, the feminine goddess. With lingam, which refers to the masculine sexual organ, they represent the process of creation. Together, instead of representing something to be ashamed of, they are the union, the totality of the entire existence.
Taoism practices remind us that the sacred nature of humans is nothing different from pleasure. It teaches a way full of respect for connecting with the body. It also highlights the power of knowing your energy in order to keep a healthy mind and body.
Recognizing the sacred in you
To think of your feminine organs as your Sacred Yoni helps you get in contact with a new approach, and with an ancient view of sexuality. It recognizes its beauty, power, as a source of pleasure and its creative nature.
In ancient practices, that are still present until nowadays for example in Tantra and Taoist, the yoni was admired as the portal for the soul to arrive into the earthly life. It was studied as both art and science. Considered beautiful and represented all over nature through opening flowers, hollows in trees, fruits, conch shells, among others.
You don’t need to follow any religion or philosophy to start promoting a sacred and pure relationship with your sacred yoni, your pleasure, and your energy. Nonetheless, it’s important to recognize why this step can make a difference in your life.
Having a relationship of love with your yoni is vital for your physical and emotional health. When you are connected to the most sacred part of your being, you are also creating a deep bond with the deepest part of yourself.
This area of your body also holds a lot of emotions, both good and bad, and most likely blockages imposed by society and traumatic experiences. To start opening that door, you can connect with yourself and discover new layers of who you are.
The connection can start with sending love to this area of your body, to respecting yourself more when it’s time to connect with other energies, touching yourself softly, and with intention. To some people that will be enough, while others will wish to go deeper and get more knowledge.
To those who have profound wounds, you can search for therapy, but remember to look for someone you can really trust. The energy we are talking about is beautiful, deep and must be treated carefully, with respect, time, and patience.
For now, just close your eyes and feel the love for yourself!