Spiritual meaning of May: prosperity and expansive energy

Without a doubt when we talk about May we immediately relate it to the flowers. Especially in certain place, like the city of Cordoba for instance, where the traditional patios are filled with flower pots loaded with flowers generating spectacular images. The spiritual meaning of May has a lot to do with fertility.
Nature is generous, favoring the growth of fauna and flora. Human beings are also linked to this month, especially mothers and girlfriends. In this month, both those who gave birth in their day and those who are about to or will do so in the future are honored. Fertile bellies that bring life thus participate in the cycle of nature.
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Spiritual meaning of May: the origin of its name
For sure it is not known exactly.There are three of the most accepted options. The one that indicates that it derives from Maia, Roman goddess who also received the name of Bona Dea. Their festival took place in this month that the Romans called Maius.
The second theory is based on the name of the Mayan nymph, daughter of Pleione and Atlas, and mother of Hermes, Mercury for the Romans.
Finally, the third option is the one that ensures that the name of May derives from Maius Juppiter, a reduction of maximus, the largest.
Spiritual symbolism of the fifth month of the year
An explosion of vitality floods the streets this month. And that joy of living is transferred to the spirit. It is time to start projects or return to those that we had left stagnant. Positive energies will accompany us.
The month of mothers and brides
The momentum instilled by mothers and girlfriends comes with positive energy and prosperity. This expansive and welcoming feminine energy reaches everyone. The desire to interact with others increases. All this activity cheers the spirit, healing it with news and hopes that emerged during the month of May. A time to take to the streets to live life instead of watching how it goes from the comfort of home.
Spiritual meaning of May in two important festivals
Celtic culture celebrated the first day of May in the northern hemisphere as the beginning of the pastoral summer season. It was Beltane night. The people toke the herds then to the mountains to feed on the green pastures. In modern Irish they call the month of May Mi na Bealtaine, month of Bealtaine. In regions such as Brittany, Wales or Cornwall, also of Celtic culture, similar festivals existed on the same date.
We can see the respect and admiration for mothers on the first Sunday of May, as a day dedicated to them. In certain Latin American countries it takes place on the second Sunday of May. On the other hand, others countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador or Mexico celebrate it on May 10.
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