Beltane: 4 ways to celebrate and activate your inner power

With roots in the British Isles, Beltane is the celebration of the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. It honors (the new) life, fertility, fire, and abundance. It’s an extremely energetically period for the earth, people, and animals, reason why it’s the perfect time to reconnect with your inner self, by having conscience of your own power.
A variety of cultures celebrate Beltane, or May Day (since the festivities, in Ireland and Scotland, begin on the last night of April and continue through May 1st) over the centuries. However, anytime between the peak of Spring and the coming Summer, you can embrace and harness this powerful energy that bliss from the earth. And how can you do it?
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Beltane: how to embrace the energy of the earth

Activate your chakras
You can activate all your chakras, but, in the Beltane period, you should work specially on your sacral chakra – which is positioned near the lower abdomen.
This is the chakra that generates magnetic energy and it should be use to attract good things for your life. To activate it think on some of them: love, sexuality, creativity, financial stability?
Don’t forget that the sacral chakra is where the yin and yang energy align us to our most powerful and highest self. Both of these energies need to be balanced, so we can connect to our natural selves and carnal desires.
The goal is to keep this chakra nurtured and fed, to always be in alignment with our desires, and needs, since it is the home of our intuitive, receptive, and emotional nature.
If you do this, you will empower yourself at the same time you inspire those around you to do the same, which will create good energies around the world.

Take a bath to cleanse your energy
Another way to activate your sacral chakra is to take a herbal bath. It’s not only a way to activate the chakra but also to purify your energies. You can use herbs like frankincense for purification, Mugwort for protection, and rosemary for healing.
While enjoying the bath, take this time to be still, to meditate and set the intention to connect to your inner voice or to listen for guidance from your higher self.

Move, dance, go with your energy flow
To activate your sacral power you can always choose to dance, to do some yoga or simply to take a walk barefoot in the park. This because one of the easiest ways to generate energy and power is through movement and there is no right or wrong way to move your body. Choose an activity that allow to let you loose.

Embrace the shadow side of your personality
In order to really own your power, you need to face and acknowledge your “ghosts”. The energy of these shadow areas needs to be released. Only then you should be able to stop projecting your issues onto others.
This self-empowerment will give you emotional control over most situations. This is where our power lies, in self-control and self-mastery.
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