Yoga poses for the chakras: align your energy

Some yoga poses for the chakras help us to balance our energy centers and contribute to our physical and emotional well-being.
If you still do not know much about the chakras, it is important that you keep in mind that these “wheels” act as energy centers. All the energy that enters and leaves our body does so through the chakras.
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We have many energy wheels, but there are seven main ones, which are distributed throughout our body, parallel to the spine, from our crown to the crotch.
When the chakras are not working properly, we have emotional and even physical problems, related to the energy point that is not aligned.
For example, if our throat chakra is misaligned, we do not express our words correctly, either because we speak more than necessary or we “swallow” what we think and feel.
Yoga poses for the chakras: how can they help you?
Today you can find many therapies focused on aligning the chakras: gems and crystals, essential oils, use of the pendulum, sounds, etc.
But without a doubt, if there is a tool that has always been linked to the correct energy flow in our body and spirit, it is the yoga poses for the chakras.
Yoga is focused on improving people’s quality of life through postures, called asanas, and breathing techniques. Thus, when you practice yoga, you are connecting mind, body and your energy field, just what the chakras are in charge of.
Therefore, by improving your energy flow with the practice of asanas, you are also improving the functioning of the chakras.
In fact, there are exclusively yoga poses for the chakras. So, simply practice them consciously and they will do their job.
Next, we will point out which are the most recommended yoga poses for the chakras.
Preliminary note:
Keep in mind that it is very important to practice them all in sequence, starting with the poses for the root chakra and ending in the crown chakra.
Choose a pose for each chakra and practice each one for ten to fifteen seconds.
Likewise, while practicing your yoga poses for the chakras, you must connect with your breath, be aware of the here and now. Breathing is essential for the asanas to fulfill their function.
If you still do not practice yoga or do not know all the postures, you can use applications on your mobile device aimed at practicing yoga.
Root chakra
The root chakra connects us with the earth, for this reason, the most recommended poses or asanas are:
- Mountain: stand upright and straight and move your shoulder blades back.
- Tree: Starting from the mountain posture, place your foot firmly against the thigh of the opposite leg and bring your hands in front of you, as if you were going to pray. Do it with both legs.
Sacral chakra
The sacral chakra helps us cope with life. Within the yoga poses for the chakras, the recommended asanas for the sacrum are:
- Dandasana: sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Your back and legs should be straight.
- Uttanasana: stand up straight and lean forward as if you were bringing your head toward your feet. Grab your ankles and breathe.
Yoga poses for the chakras – Solar plexus
The solar plexus chakra is responsible for confidence and our ability to make decisions. The most recommended asanas for this energy wheel are:
- Ustrasana: get on your knees and lean back trying to touch your heels.
- Dog: stand up straight and put your hands on the ground, forming a triangle.
Heart chakra
Charged with compassion and self-love and towards others. In the list of yoga poses for the chakras, the most recommended for the heart chakra are:
- Cobra: lie on your stomach, put your hands on the ground and lift your chest by bending backwards.
- Cow and Cat: get on your knees and put your hands on the ground. Raise your hips and head while lowering your abdomen. Then arch your back as much as possible.
Yoga poses for the chakras – Throat chakra
Regulates everything related to communication, including interior. The poses that help unlock the throat chakra are:
- Diamond: get on your knees and sit on your heels. Put your hands on your thighs.
- Fish: lie on your back, arms at your sides. Take a deep breath and arch your spine raising your chest.
Third eye
The Third eye chakra is the chakra of intuition and memory. Among the yoga postures for the chakras, for the third eye it is recommended:
- Child: get on your knees, sit on your heels and lower until you touch the ground with your forehead (the chest is on the knees). The arms should be at the sides, close to the body.
- Swimmer: face down. Stretch your arms out in front. Raise one arm and the opposite leg at the same time. Go exchanging.
Crown chakra
The last chakra allows us to connect with divinity and the universe. The yoga poses for the crown chakra are the lotus or half lotus pose and the dead pose, which consists of lying on your back, relaxed, with the palms of the hands facing up.
Practice the yoga poses for the chakras and feel your energy improve.
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