Acorn symbolism and the sacred tree meaning

The oak tree is sacred to many people. Thanks to its longevity and its persistent greenery, it is also called “Tree of life“, like the Thuja. In mythology, Zeus transformed Philemon into an oak tree to thank him for his piety. Furthermore, many rituals used acorns, especially for prophecy. The oak fruit, which is called acorn, is one of the forgotten foods. This acorn symbolism was at the heart of their druidic rituals, which often took place in oak groves.
Symbol of majesty and attracting lightning, it is the sacred tree of most traditions. They were prophetic in the sense that when they had little fruit, they foreshadowed a dearth. Whoever feeds on acorn feeds on the truth: The acorn was often considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Learn more about the meaning of this symbol.
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Acorn symbolism and the sacred tree
Even today it is quite a symbol for most European nations. It is the most widespread tree in France, a country where one of the oldest oaks in Europe is found: it is that of Allouville in Normandy. 1200 years old, it houses two chapels in its trunk, which is reminiscent of the sacred nature of this tree. And it is not for nothing that in French folklore, the celebration of 80 years of marriage is known as the Wedding of Oak, image of this sustainability and longevity.
At the political level, the oak is associated not only with the symbol of strength, but also and above all with that of stability. This is how some countries have on their currencies a representation of an oak branch.
Acorn symbolism and meaning
Acorns are considered to be also sacred, symbol of the latent, potential strength of the tree itself.
The acorn was often considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Our ancestors knew that a new oak tree could be born from the seed contained in this small fruit; it will become several hundred years old. By its aerial verticality and the depth of its roots, it symbolizes the axis of the world.
In Alchemy, it represents the 4 elements: water circulates in its sap, the Earth nourishes its roots, the air penetrates its leaves and fire is the consumption of its wood.
Longevity and life expectancy
The acorn is associated with prosperity and longevity, due to the long life of the oak. Also, a European tradition is to always keep an acorn in your pocket in order to have a prosperous and long life.
Fertility and lust
The acorn symbolizes both male and female fertility. It is from the seed contained in the acorn that a new oak grows and becomes several hundred years old. This is why this small fruit has always been considered as a symbol of fertility and longevity.
Indeed, two acorns side by side represent the testicles; while the shape of the glans, half enveloped by a cap, but protruding beyond it, represents the infant emerging from the uterus.
However, the acorn can also be part of a negative symbolism. Indeed, the acorn is the food of pigs, an animal that is widely associated with demons and lust.
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