Libra Super New Moon Ritual: a gateway to healing

September New Moon started on the 28th and marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. Keep in mind that every New Moon gives us the opportunity to look at things in a different way. As it falls in the sign of Libra, this New Moon, that is also a Super New Moon, is packed with energy, reason why you will feel its effects more strongly.
It also happens to fall on the same day that Saturn aligns directly over the South Node, indicating that this New Moon may bring some upheavals and challenges, but also a possibility of growth.
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So, with this amount of energy at play, you might feel heavy and troubled with some past wounds. You may also feel the need to rebirth an area of your life or to cut the cords and leave some karmic cycles behind. To prepare yourself for this scenario we decided to share with you a Libra Super New Moon Ritual.
Libra Super New Moon Ritual: think on creating healthier bonds
As we said before this Super New Moon will have a lot of power and, as it falls on Libra, will exacerbate this Zodiac sign characteristics. As Libras are always looking for balance, this energetic New Moon is coming to push them to listen to their inner voice and to cut some etheric cords, to lighten the weight they carry.
Regarding this purpose, you can choose to do Libra Super New Moon Ritual. It will help you to clear your thoughts, to make decisions based on yourself and to create healthier bonds on your life. This is what you need to do to perform this ritual.
First of all, you will need to gather:
- A Smudging tool of your choice;
- 2 candles;
- String or ribbon;
- Scissors;
- 2 pieces of paper and pen.
Libra Super New Moon Ritual: step by step
1. Start by cleansing your aura
Start by cleansing your aura and then your surroundings. As you cleanse your aura recite the following mantra:
“It is time to cleanse away the past. It is time to cleanse all that keeps me in the dark. The old is now washed away and I am ready to face a new day. My world is evolving and I am too. Always moving higher, always feeling lighter, always striving to do my best, and now my worries are laid to rest. I am cleansed, I am free. I am whole, I am healed. Thank you”.
2. Cleanse your surroundings
As you cleanse your surroundings, recite the following:
“I cleanse my space with light and loving energy. All energies in this space that no longer serve me are now cleared. All energies that are dense and heavy are now cleared. I fill this room with light and love. Thank you, thank you, thank you”.
3. Light your candles
Before lighting your candles, tie them together using the string or ribbon. Leave a little space between them so you can cut them free later in the ritual.
4. Close your eyes and merge yourself with the energy of the Earth
You can perform this step standing up with your feet firmly planted on the ground – to feel yourself rooted to the Earth – or sitting with your feet flat on the floor.
Then, place your hand over your heart and just feel into your body. Be focused only in you. Feel free to experience your own emotions. Do this for the duration of 10 breaths.
5. Open your eyes
Open your eyes and with your hand still over your heart repeat the following – “I am balanced from top to toe. I am centered in who I am” – or feel free to say whatever you feel in the moment.
6. Write your mantras
Now, in front of your candles, take the two pieces of paper and, on the first one, choose one of the following journal prompts to write about. Write until the entire page is filled so you can really get into the depths of your subconscious.
- “I need to forgive…”
- “Letting go of this relationship will bring me…”
- “I no longer want to hold on to…”
Once you have finished writing, fold the paper and place it in front of the candle to your left.
Now, on your second piece of paper, repeat the same process using one of the following prompts:
- “I am ready to do this differently…”
- “Love feels like…”
- “I open myself to…”
- “My guides and angels want me to remember…”
- “I can begin paving a new way by…”
Fold your paper and place it to the candle on your right.
7. Cut the cords
Now, take your scissors and hold them in your dominant hand. Recite whatever it is that you want to release, let go of or “cut” from your life. Once done reciting, cut the string between the candles.
Once the cord has been cut, see if you can observe any feelings or sensations that arise. Place your hand over your heart and take another 10 deep breaths, just allowing yourself to feel in to where you are.
To close the ritual, snuff out the candles and discard the ribbon. Smudge your aura and space one last time.
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