Yoga and Flexibility: myths and truths

Yoga and flexibility: if you are reading this, probably you have either questioned yourself: “Am I flexible enough to do yoga?”, or you have expressed it clearly “I’m not flexible enough to do yoga!”
Well, we have some news, you (and everyone) are flexible enough to do yoga! The myth associated with the subject of yoga and flexibility, that a person should be extremely flexible to do yoga, is sadly pushing away many people from this practice.
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So, before we start organizing some ideas, the rule is: You have a body, you can do Yoga!
Yoga and Flexibility: 4 myths and truths
We can ask where does this myth related to yoga and flexibility come from. Maybe from the Instagram pictures, or from the fact that Indian, where the daily life habits promote more a more flexible body, is our prototype of yogis. Or even because, the physical aspect of yoga seems to focus more on flexibility than anything else, which is not necessarily true.
Do I need to be flexible to practice yoga?
The amount of times yoga teachers listen to the following sentence is countless: “I don’t do yoga because I’m not flexible.”
It’s not just that you don’t need to be flexible to do yoga, it’s also that the less flexible you are, the more yoga you need.
Yoga is about acceptance of our own body and its limitations, of our mind and its limitations. It’s also about profound respect and deep work to improve our body and mental health. Improving our health in some cases means building strength, in others, improve flexibility.
Is yoga all about flexibility?
If you have been around for long, you might have forgotten that one day you also thought yoga was all about flexibility. The myths about yoga are so many and so different, it can even become confusing, but it always depends on the information people go through.
While many consider that yoga is all about inversions and possibly-unreachable poses, some think is always and only really slow and soft, and those who think is all about flexibility.
In this article about yoga and flexibility, we want to tell you that yoga is all of that and so much more! Yoga is about the body, but so much more about the mind; is about flexibility, but also about strength. Yoga is all about knowing yourself and improving your life! That’s the core of this beautiful practice.
So, no! Yoga is not all about flexibility, and yes, you’ll work on it, improve it, and feel better afterward.
Is flexibility the most important thing in yoga?
On this topic of yoga and flexibility, we want to state: the most important thing in yoga is meditation. The goal of yoga is not to do a handstand or put your feet behind your back, but to be prepared to meditate. Surprised? Why is this asana so important?
First of all, so that we can stay still while meditating, comfortable and without feeling pain. Therefore, we work strength, flexibility, and alignment. We also work on creating space on our body, so that we can breathe properly.
Also, there is this idea that if our body is healthy, then we can concentrate on the topics of self-development and the spirit.
Is having a lot of flexibility healthy?
When it comes to yoga and flexibility considerations, there are two answers to this question: yes and no.
It’s simple: if that flexibility comes along with strength, yes; if the flexibility doesn’t come along with strength, no.
We always want to work towards balance in our bodies. Even though some of us will always be more flexible than strong, and the other way around, it’s extremely important to work with the goal of a body in equilibrium.
Very often, hyper-flexible people get injuries, way more than people without a lot of flexibility. Also, with time, if joints are taken to their maximum extension, problems will arise.
Flexibility is amazing and super important, but no yoga is not all about flexibility. We hope you are now more clarified about it and you can run confidently to your next yoga class.
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