June 2019 New Moon: how it will affect your Zodiac sign

The next New Moon will take place on Monday, June 3rd, at the XII house of Gemini and will affect each Zodiac sign differently.
As you know, the New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. And, as every beginning of a lunar cycle represents new beginnings here on Earth, the energy and where the Moon is positioned (in this case in Gemini) will affect specific themes of our daily lives.
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Before we analyze how this particular moon will affect each Zodiac sign, we should first understand what the New Moon in Gemini represents.
New Moon in Gemini: what is the meaning of this stellar position?
As we said before, a New Moon represents new beginnings… Well, what this moon phase really does is to bring you the necessary energy to solve whatever the problem you might have. Have you been feeling stuck in your life and you’ re hoping for some sort of change? Are you starting to question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs? Do you want to say something to someone, but it lacks you the courage?
If you see yourself in any of these scenarios, this is the right moment to reinvent yourself. The moon will give you the necessary burst of energy to start transforming your life, even if it is in the small things.
As a New Moon always carry prosperity, in Gemini this prosperity will be applied to everything that has to do with communication and provide to each one of us the opportunity of renewal and the necessary strength to achieve our goals. But there are other astrological aspects that transform this New Moon in Gemini in a lucky moon for us all.
June 3rd 2019 New Moon: the lucky moon
June’s new moon is considered a lucky New Moon because it is close to the fixed star Aldebaran in the Taurus constellation. It will amplify the moon energy and bring more courage to embrace life – reason why is a time for brave new starts.
Aldebaran brings great success in business, but also causes high anxiety. Other stars around Gemini’s XII house provide a sense of caution some protection against enemies.
Good fortune also comes from the planetary aspects at the time of this New Moon. It’s a especially good moon phase for falling in love and for making money. But, there are some warnings: don’t be over optimistic or overzealous.
The effects of the June New Moon lasts until July 2nd solar eclipse, although this waxing phase of the Moon lasts from June 3rd to the June 17th Full Moon in Sagittarius.
But again, each Zodiac sign is going to feel these vibes a little differently and it won’t be the same experience for everyone. Some will feel the effects of this moon quite strongly, while others will only feel it in a more mild way.
4 Zodiac signs the June 2019 New Moon will affect the most
As the New Moon is rising in Gemini, the natives of this sign are going to feel its energy the most. For those born under the influence of Gemini the focus should be on themselves, in their own thoughts and ambitions, because now is the best time for you to move ahead.
For Virgos, this New Moon may affect their jobs. The moon asks for caution, to think properly about pros and cons before committing to a new job or before you accept more work to do.
Sagittarius’ natives will be struggling with their hearts. This New Moon will affect their relationships in a good or bad way. It’s highly probable that a new commitment is on the horizon, but the moon asks these natives to first navigate through their emotions.
For the Pisces’ natives, this New Moon will bring an extra energy for looking inward and thinking everything through, as their perspective about life is definitely going to change. The way they move forward will dictate future relationships from here on out.
The 4 Zodiac signs June 2019 New Moon will affect the least
The New Moon only asks for Aries’ natives to be more careful in the way they communicate with others. To pay more attention to the power of words and to know when to contain impulses.
For Cancer’s natives, the June moon in Gemini will help them to enjoy the best in life. To do more breaks from work, to chill with friends and to meditate.
Libra’s natives will feel the appeal to travel, to take time to relax from daily stresses and to hit the road.
For the natives of this sign, this New Moon will bring a new friend. You should just strive to create boundaries in the relationship.
As for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, they should just enjoy this new moon phase to take their creative energy to really change the way they are used to think. A new perspective could do wonders for them.
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