House 2 and the way you attract value into your life

House 2 of your natal chart usually stands for “Mine”. At least on a superficial level, and because sometimes we need to summarize ideas, that kind of works. Despite that, this second aspect of the astrological map goes way deeper.
To fully understand it, after knowing what is the house 2 about, relate it to the sign that rules it, the planet that rules that sign, and in case you have planets in the second house, their meaning. But that’s a second level that you don’t want to rush before having clarity about what is it about.
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Start by asking yourself: How do I value myself? What are my tools to create value for myself? What do I value? Which things do I need to feel safe? That is exactly the path we are going to follow bellow.
House 2: self-value and the tools to expand that value
House 2 is ruled by Taurus and the regent planet is Venus.
The second house is a consequence of the first, and it starts by standing for what you value in yourself. We all know that if a person considers having no value, there’s no capacity to attract abundance and resources of any kind.
That is the first aspect to consider! Most of the times, the first house even has a little bit of the sign that is going to rule the second house, which means that our value is also on our personality.
Being the house 2 the house of the resources, the first ones you have to focus on are: what are the resources you already have to accomplish your mission in the world? The natal chart is kind enough to give you a hand if you are feeling lost and searching for answers. By knowing the signs and planets related to it, you can start discovering those answers.
But look also to your life. Some people come from rich families, others had a good education, or a strong body, a good empathy with the others. All of that is resources you were born with and you have to use for your present and your future.
In the resources are also innate abilities, let’s say you have a great voice, you’re good drawing, or any other thing (we all are good with something), and also our passions. Our passions are important because we put there our efforts without even realizing. It doesn’t mean that you need to transform your passion into your job, or maybe it does, knowing the sign and planets will help you further with that matter.
Valorization and management
By exploring and finding out more about the previously mentioned aspects, and person can have some hints about job possibilities that make sense during this lifetime.
You’ll also learn more about the way you are going to materialize your ideas, make them work and the shape of what you are here to bring to the world.
That is intimately connected to what you give value to and what you want for your life. Some people are more focused on money, while for others it’s the impact of their work in the world that matters the most.
Therefore, it’s easy to understand that when people connect the house 2 only to the material things of life, it’s a quite reductive way to approach it. It’s about value, and the value people give to money, to spirituality, to the social outcomes of their actions, to properties, even travels, among so many other things is in fact the crucial aspect here.
The sign that lays in this house will also be giving clues about the management capacities of the person, about how to make value, and how to use it through life.
The need for security
Security is a different concept for everyone. Some people need to have their bank account full of money and they still feel afraid, while others go around the world without knowing when they will make the next salary.
Some people have their emotions connected to the value they have in their lives, while others don’t.
These concepts can be highly different to you than they are for your friends, and understanding it is a great key to be kind with yourself, but also for the others. It’s common that nowadays people act as if everyone needs to have an important position in their jobs, a big house, the latest cell phone version and a fancy car. But maybe for you, the time has value as material things.
Because of that, the house 2 tells you more about the way you deal with the material world.
Negative aspects and further considerations about the House 2
Problems related to over consumerism, gambling issues, exacerbated materialism, can be spotted with an intelligent and sensitive reading of the natal chart. If you face issues connected to these aspects, it can be a great step to understand yourself better and overcome it.
To have a good relationship with the value that you attract for yourself and your management of it, the diet is really important. Purification comes from what we eat in the first place. The relationship with it and the need to keeping an eye on this aspect will also be present there.
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