The meaning of House 1 in your natal chart

House 1 on your natal chart is a key point to understand your life, your gifts and your challenges. Leaving the astrology knowledge down to the Sun sign is a reductive way of approaching this science and our life as human beings.
Our natal chart is a wheel with twelve houses. Each of these houses considers some aspects and areas of our lives. Also, we have all signs in our natal chart, connected to the different houses, and therefore, ruling different aspects of our lives. Besides that, in our natal chart, we have all the planets, making different aspects and influencing diverse areas of our lives.
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Sounds complex? Because it is! That’s why we need to go slowly, piece by piece, and here let’s start with the house 1.
House 1 and your own beginnings
House 1 is ruled by Aries and the regent planet is Mars.
The first house starts with the cusp in one of the twelve zodiac signs. The sign that the cusp line intersects is the one that was on the eastern horizon when you were arriving at this world. It’s the sunrise, it will be forever connected to your beginning as a person and to your beginnings.
Its energy is consequently, extremely important in your life. Because of that, once you find out your ascendant, do continuous and deep research about it. It will help you understand yourself.
It will also tell you a lot about your early years. Understanding our first years of life is a key for the process of self-knowledge and development, and bringing a look of love and understanding for whatever happened to us during that time is crucial for a happy life.
Because the house 1 is connected to our own beginning, its energy will have implications in the way we deal with new things, new people, new projects, new adventures. Understanding that energy can make it all much easier!
A perspective of life
Although some people like to say that the ascendant and house 1 are about our masks to the world, that seems to bring a negative connotation to such important energy in our lives. Therefore, if we can give you one advice, is to let go idea.
The first house is what you show to the external world, your identity, your ego, and also your physical body. It’s also about your perspectives of the world.
It’s so important, that is influences all the aspects of your life. After all, it marks and determines the way you go around in this physical experience of the being.
It will be one of the main energies in action and reaction to what happens through the days of a normal life. And is a complement of our Sun sign, protecting us from its weaknesses and balancing our most primary nature.
It will determine the vision of the world, the perspective towards it. But how come? There are only twelve signs and so many different personalities!
The personal life story will influence extremely the way the person, and yourself deals with the energies in your life. Also, there are many other aspects to take in consideration when reading a natal chart.
An important thing is to understand the positive vibes of any sign, planet and aspects that are present in your natal chart. For example, Scorpio and Capricorn are taken as negative signs, which is a lie. In a world that lives of superficial things and energies, these dense and deep signs are harder to comprehend, but they are absolutely amazing if an effort to use their best side is taken. The same happens with the planets, and aspects of the map.
The potential to accomplish your mission
House 1 represents the package you have to give to the world. In that energy, lye all the tools for you to accomplish your potential and your mission (understanding House 10 will also help) in this world.
It reveals your challenges, but also your gifts. If you face and conquer the first and you realize what are the second, you can put yourself in the world in the best possible way for yourself and for the others, giving something valuable to the world.
It’s also important to learn more about the planet that rules that sign in order to know deeper about the challenges and gifts you were given in this life.
Summarizing, knowing your first house well is the key for you to understand yourself, how to deal with new starts and what you can give to the world. It will also tell you more about how people see you.
If you want to know yourself better, start by digging deep into the way you show yourself to the world!
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