How to connect with your divine feminine

Every human being has feminine and masculine energy combined, and to connect with your divine feminine is an important key to live a more pleasant and balanced life. This is true for men and women, but especially for any person who identifies as a woman, which we are going to refer more often in this article.
We will start by explaining why are we all disconnected from the divine feminine, and share a few practical ways in which you can explore that connection. That will improve your self-love, self-knowledge, your happiness, and balance. It’s worth to give it a shot and learn about it.
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Connect with your divine feminine: the feminine energy
“Connect with your divine feminine”… but why should I?
We find it important, and interesting, to understand the “why”. Otherwise, you can end up performing a few tasks, without knowing why and absorb the teachings and freedom it can bring you.
Different theories try to explain why were women, and the feminine energy, not considered relevant for thousands of years, which lead to oppression and diminishing of the women’s status. Despite the different explanations, it’s well documented, that long ago, the sacred feminine was respected in a much different way.
There are obvious problems on a social and psychological perspective that are well known and debated nowadays. Among them, and what concerns the thematic of this article, is the balance in your life. And that takes us to answer the “Why”.
If you connect and learn your feminine energy, you’ll learn how to deal with the challenging aspects of it, and take advantage of the strengths.
The feminine energy
Once again, we all have feminine energy and it’s useful to have a good relationship with it regardless of your sex or gender identification. The feminine is connected to the Moon and works on a cyclic logic. That means you don’t feel the same every day, and you can learn how to respect your cycles of productivity, the need for resting, social needs as well as independence, and vulnerability. Yes, all those things coexist in the same person!
Besides that, this energy is connected to intuition, introspection, meditation, creation, and creativity.
The practices of the sacred feminine reckon the two sides of the brain, and as well as both the masculine and feminine energy. Therefore, sometimes is important to center and control the body, while some other times it’s crucial to let it flow. Sometimes you need to focus on the rational, some others to connect with your emotions and feelings to find answers.
Contrary to the hierarchy we learn from patriarchal hegemony, the feminine energy stands for a horizontal organization, where everyone finds their space according to personal skills and strengths.
The truth is that we could go on and on describing the feminine energy, and why it’s so important to find its space in the society, but we’re going to mention one last thing. The feminine energy is connected to the Earth in such a beautiful way, that you’ll easily change your daily habits to take care of Mother Nature, simply and peacefully.
How can you connect with your divine feminine?
There are a few practical things you can add to your life that will strengthen your connection with the divine feminine in you and your life in general.
Most of the contemporary meditation practices we know nowadays were created from men to men, which defines its characteristics of control.
Although we recognize the importance of learning to stay still and calm the mind, it’s important to have other more feminine meditative practices. Again, we emphasize this is not exclusive for women. It’s important for any person who wants to work on the balance between the two vibes.
To strengthen your connection with the divine feminine, explore techniques such as active meditation, sacred dances, creative visualization. These practices emphasize the body and work towards setting your imagination free.
Seed your moon
Although this ritual is for people that menstruate, we will, in the end, give you an option if for any reason you don’t have a period.
Call “moon” to the period or menstruation is getting more and more common, and it’s related to the undoubted connection between the moon cycle and the menstrual cycle. Learning about that cyclic aspect of yourself is one of the first keys to be more connected with yourself. We can guarantee you it’s an amazing journey, and nowadays you can have access to amazing information about it. In case you don’t have your period, you can still connect with it by following the phases of the moon.
For those who have a period, during your period, it’s important to relax and rest more. If possible, to meditate, interpret your dreams, and honor your blood. It’s perfectly normal that you are sensitive and sleepy, that you need to eat or sleep more and you want to spend more time alone.
Why is this important?
In ancient times, women would also give their blood to the earth, the “seed your moon” movement. It has many functions. On a societal level, there is the belief that if women give their blood to the earth than men don’t have to fight to give that blood to Nature. It also strengthens the link with Mother Nature, improving the feelings of gratitude towards the earth and the respect for all the living beings.
It’s also a way of closing a cycle, by giving to the earth all the things you don’t need anymore, all the things that are now in the past. Or the things you need extra help to liberate. It’s in this aspect that whether you have menstruation or not, you can adapt the ritual to your life. The menstruation corresponds to the New Moon (which doesn’t mean you need to have it during the New Moon). If you decide to start connecting with the cycles of your life, during the moments that you need to close a cycle (which can be the New Moon, or not), you can use any ritual of liberation and giving back to the earth the things that no longer serve you. Letting go is also being feminine.
Make peace with your body
The movement of the sacred feminine encourages women to love their bodies! This love is independent of a form, a race, the age, any health or physical condition. It will tell you to love yourself the way you are, right now (of course, it won’t happen in a glimpse, it’s a journey). It’s not about loving who you will one day become, or who you have been before, it’s not about fitting in any model, fulfilling others’ expectations, or likes and dislike, is about accepting yourself.
Of course, this is not an easy journey. We, women, and more and more, men as well, are told every day, that we need to be something else. We are raised to believe that one day if we achieve something else that is not what we are, we will be happier, succeeded; and we end up not living the present, not enjoying life. That message will keep popping up in your life even though you start this journey.
To recognize your body as sacred and a part of nature, you will learn about yourself. You can do it through different techniques, like dancing, talking to your own body, doing the ho’oponopono, talking to a therapist. Just do it!
Dance with your soul
Dancing is one of the most beautiful ways of expression. But it’s also a way of talking with yourself. Movement is the first language, that expresses what comes from the deepest of your soul.
We are not referring to a specific dance or specific movements. Nowadays, we all learn the dance in a very sexualized way. On the journey to connect with your wild nature, it’s important to set yourself free of those expectations. It takes time, but it’s possible. Let your arm tell you where it wants to go, let the movement come from a place where the rational is not running. Dance by intuition, and be prepared to learn about yourself.
Connect with the Goddesses
To learn about the Goddesses is also to connect with your divine feminine.
The Goddesses represent different “us” that coexist inside each person. At some moments, or stages of life, one is stronger than the other, and they all have blessings and challenges.
To know the Goddesses is to know the dominant powers inside yourself and to improve your self-knowledge. You’ll learn about the power of your instincts, the priorities of your life, and the possibilities.
You have the gifts of the Goddesses inside yourself, and you must learn in other to recognize it. It also works for the faults.
By finding your interior Goddess, you find yourself, by learning how to use its powers and wisdom.
Circles are so complex that many books are covering this issue. We’ll do our best to cover the essential topics.
The circle is an ancient symbol, that stands for unity and total. It’s perfect and infinite and it’s about continuity.
Meeting with other people in the circle is a way of personal and collective transformation. The circle is a structure that erases leadership, recognizing the same weight of every participant. It allows everyone to have a place, an equal place inside the group. It allows everyone to see everyone, to look in the eyes of each one.
It’s the total opposite of what we learn since kids! It will give you space, voice, presence.
In these circles, many different topics can be celebrated. There are therapeutic circles, ritualistic circles. They can be organized in themes, like seasons, the moon stages, relationship with the body, curing the past, among many others.
They can be linked to different philosophies, and use different techniques to cover the topics, such as dreams interpretation, shamanic practices, myths, dances, among many others.
The circles want to establish unity and connection. The same way you want to establish unity within yourself and a strong connection with your divine feminine.