9 signs that you are a white witch

Witchcraft is not widely talked and known; most prefer to ignore its existence. During the past centuries, the concept of witch was blackened by the Catholic and patriarchal society, and people chose to ignore the signs and rituals of this tradition. Despite the fact that it was blackened, there’s the good witchcraft – such a person is called white witch.
Although society forced people to ignore this power, the fact is that it’s not possible to choose to have it or not and some people might feel this power without being able to understand it. If you think you can’t understand your energy and have a hard time finding explanations for it, keep reading and discover if you relate to the signs of witchcraft power.
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White witches are good ones, people that use their energy to make this world a better place. They can be your mom or your neighbor, basically anyone, and for sure it’s someone who is kind and cultivates love and acceptance. It can also be yourself!
Check out the list of 9 signs and decide for yourself if you relate to the concept of the white witch.
Are you a White Witch? 9 signs you can’t ignore

You want to save the world
You are deeply moved towards taking actions to make this planet a better place for us and future generations. You know that you can’t force everyone else to feel the same and have the same priorities, but instead of feeling desperate, you work on being the example that inspires people around you.
You believe small actions can make the difference, and you believe in good people and that everyone is willing to do the best they can. You see this aspect of life not only towards sustainability and environmental matters but in social relationships as well, so you are an advocate of love and respect!

You are a white witch when you are a sensitive person
First of all, empathetic can be your middle name! You quickly and powerfully connect with other people’s happiness and pain, and you end up very often being also the person everyone else trusts for help and sharing. People feel confident and safe; they know you won’t be judgmental, and you always look for a deep understanding of what they are living and feeling.
You also feel that you are sensitive concerning the negativity in the world. You have a hard time working with yourself to have the strength to deal with injustice and suffering. You know you are hugely affected with negativity and you work on learning to protect your own energy and be able to deal with everyday life and the world around you.

You have a special bond with animals
You’re not just empathetic with people; you create strong and unique links with animals as well. You love animals, and you feel you can understand them as well as the opposite, you think they accept you as you are and kind of know what you need to feel good.
When you look into their eyes, you can see their souls, understand their fears and happiness, and you see their meaning in your life.

You are a white witch when your dreams are meaningful
Your dreams always seem to have a message! They are intense and always appear real; it feels like there’s essential information in all of them. Sometimes they give you the tools to understand situations and make everything clear.
You know, from these dreams, that you are connected with your inner self and with the order of the universe.

You believe in things others are not able to see
Your empathy and sensitivity allow you to know things that can’t be seen. You are highly intuitive. Since you can’t explain where all of these feelings and knowledge come from, you believe in things that don’t have a logical explanation. You believe in your heart and in your intuition!

You use alternative medicines
It seems like you have a special gift for knowing plants and their uses, you feel complete when you can make your own medicines or when you have the chance to help others with your knowledge. This is something natural for you that you can’t explain where it comes from. If you always prefer things in a natural way, you might be a white witch.

You feel different from the others
It’s hard for you to fit into society and have a feeling of longing. You connect with different things from your family and friends, the activities you love, and the issues you are interested in are just not the same as everyone else.
You also feel a power inside you that you can’t deny, even though sometimes you try to do so.

You feel deeply connected with nature
Being in nature is being in your natural habitat! You see in nature the solution for your problems, and you know that your mind gets clear in contact with nature, with all your senses awake.

You are a white witch when you believe in a greater good
Although you are extremely sensitive to low vibrations and negativity, you believe that there’s more “good” than bad in this world. You prefer to look to the bright side, giving energy to the positive words and acts of kindness.
If you can relate to these 9 aspects, you are probably a white witch. Remember that the world needs your positive vibes and your gestures of kindness. You are beyond amazing and necessary to it!
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