Health horoscope for Gemini 2021: tips to take care of yourself

Thanks to Astrology we can know some traits of our personality and what fate holds for us according to our Zodiac sign. In this article we will look at the health horoscope for Gemini, its strengths and weaknesses and some tips for you to stay in optimal health.
Health horoscope for Gemini 2021
Geminis are very susceptible to shoulders and arms’ pain. Tiredness and muscle tension appear, but can be relieved with a good massage.
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They are also more vulnerable to respiratory infections and must take special care of their lungs. They can suffer from nervous agitation and should avoid coffee.
In general, these natives are thin, since they expend a lot of energy. Their intellectual nervous style keeps them in continuous movement.
As it is an intellectual sign, many natives either write, read or spend long hours on the computer without much physical activity, behaviors that will originate health repercussions.
The health horoscope for Gemini tells us that these people tend to assume too many commitments at the same time, this hyperactivity can create problems in the nervous system, stress, anxiety, fatigue and also in the respiratory system, causing weakness, colds, panic and depression in the most severe cases.
As they are always doing things, sometimes they end up forgetting important things or losing your priorities, solving the urgent and not the important.
Health risks and some tips
These natives can have an unhealthy diet, which leads to various health problems, from poor digestion, nervousness, problems of overweight or extreme thinness.
Undoubtedly, you should be more calm when eating and have a balanced, healthy diet, rich in proteins and vitamins.
The nervous character that cause stress, problems in the nervous and respiratory systems can be faced with fast, active sports that emphasize agility and aerobics. Gemini should avoid smoking.
Meditation is also helpful, but Gemini will like something related to movement like Mindfulness or Qigong or Chi Kung.
In addition to nervous problems, these natives often have complications in their shoulders, arms and hands. The ideal is to get a massage with essential oils and relaxing music.
Twins have to learn to respect their limits and not over push themselves. It is recommended to sporadically drink calming herbal teas and consume foods rich in vitamins, such as asparagus, spinach, lettuce, oranges, apricots, rice and milk.
Finally, take care of your hands, doing a manicure.
Gemini’s health profile
Geminis have mental control over their body. They have the gift of healing, but also of producing diseases due to their mental state. Nervous diseases, irritation or depression.
According to the health horoscope for Gemini, this Zodiac sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet that dominates communication, reasoning and the mental in general. It governs the nervous system, arms, shoulders, hands and lungs.
Some of these natives tend to have problems with their weight because they eat in a hurry, nervously, this can make them fat.
Geminis copes well with everyday stress, but must be careful not to push the limits.
Twins can also suffer from vertigo, neuralgia, asthma, gas, colic, menstrual irregularities, problems in the nervous system, rheumatism and cramps.