The spiritual power of hummingbirds
The hummingbirds are the messengers of the gods and symbolize rebirth, gentleness and healing. […]
People who have the ability to look to the future and know the dangers and benefits that are to come, work as oracles, meaning that they are seers. There are also certain places in the world that allow a person to have a revelation or epiphany.
This places, which can be a temple or natural monument, are transformed in such a way that they provide answers to the beings that make the query. Basically, the oracle answers the question.
The answer will be given by a person or through a medium determined by the same oracle. There is also the interpretation of exterior signs. The sacred books preserve testimonies of people who were oracles and places.
The oracles have five modalities. The first one is the yes and the no. In this case, the oracle or the person who intervenes as an ocular system will answer in an affirmative or negative manner the question that is asked.
Then the esoteric symbols of antiquity appear, deciphered through a sacred language that corresponds to the cosmos.
The systems of divination used in antiquity are those that have been consulted since the past ages.
Nowadays, there are several ancient oracles that are used. There is also Tarot, that has become a traditional kind of divination, widely used by experts in esotericism. Simple oracle systems are those where the response is positive or negative.
These oracles will be used at a time when the person only needs a response of this type. The famous method of plucking the rose petals while affirming love or refusing it is a simple oracle system.
A complex oracle system allows the existence of a positive or negative response but at the same time it will explain reasons or causes of this response. This is how an oracle has the ability to predict a catastrophe.
It is not just about answering in a simple way but making prophecies; the truth is that the oracles have developed throughout history, achieving an identity in popular thought.
The hummingbirds are the messengers of the gods and symbolize rebirth, gentleness and healing. […]
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