The Wheel of Fortune: discover the meaning of this Tarot card

The 78-card tarot deck has been utilized since ancient times to connect with Source energy. A tarot spread or reading can uncover answers to your questions and provide additional insight into your life. This intuitive wisdom helps you understand destiny, challenges, and future events to come. The Wheel of Fortune Card is labeled card “10” of the tarot deck, and therefore holds a significant meaning when it appears in a reading.
The Wheel of Fortune Card: Meaning
The Wheel of Fortune Card is a part of the Major Arcana, or the first 21 cards of the deck. These cards are the trump cards of the deck, numbered 0 to 22.
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The Wheel of Fortune Card is labeled number “10,” and therefore also contains the energetic vibration of the Number Ten.
Associations we will utilize to uncover and interpret the meaning of The Wheel of Fortune Card include its visual illustration on the card, and the interpretation of the Number Ten in Numerology.
Visual Interpretation of The Wheel of Fortune Card
The first thing you notice about the illustration of The Wheel of Fortune Card is that it displays 4 figures, one in each corner of the card. There is an angel representing Aquarius, an eagle representing Scorpio, a lion representing Leo, and a bull representing Taurus. These are the four “fixed” quadruplicity signs of the astrological zodiac.
All four figures are depicted with wings, which indicates being comfortable and remaining stable during times of change and movement. They each hold a book in their hands, the Torah, which symbolizes wisdom. On the wheel itself, you will also find Hebrew letters that mean the “unpronounceable name of God.”
The snake on the left of the Wheel is the Egyptian god of evil, representing its force coming down into the physical world. There is an Anubis on the right side of the Wheel, which is Hermes. Hermes has always been representation of higher truth and wisdom, intelligence, and our shadow sides. Here, he is coming upward from the physical toward the spiritual realm.
The Sphinx on top of the Wheel reminds us of the curiosities of life. The symbols of alchemy found in the middle of the wheel represent the building blocks of life: mercury, water, salt, and sulphur. The outer circle of the Wheel is the physical realm, and the blue background symbolizes higher wisdom.
Numerology Association of The Wheel of Fortune Card
The Number Zero added to another number enhances the other number(s) energy that it is with. So with the Number Ten, the energy of the Number One is intensified; Number Zero supplies the powerful energy of Source to Number One, therefore Ten reflects the most perfect vibration possible of the Number One’s meaning.
The Number Ten contains the vibrations of confidence, optimism, success, leadership, originality, independence, adaptability, and above all: creative power.
The Number Ten emanates an energy to take hold of our life and claim all aspects of it. We must be confident to go into unknown territory and challenges. Number Ten is capable of creating anything since it possesses the most perfect version of the One’s leadership qualities and potential. If you can imagine something, and put forth the effort necessary to create it, it will undoubtedly manifest in the physical.
But, because this number holds such incredible potential, there is as much potential to create destruction as there is to create positivity. The energy of the Number Ten comes a big responsibility of being a “make or break” number, (depending on your course of action). Anything can manifest, but you need to utilize wisdom of the lower and higher mind to make it positive.
What The Wheel of Fortune Card Means In a Reading
The Wheel of Fortune Card reflects an energy of new beginnings, a change in fortune, luck, turning points, taking chances, life cycles, destiny, outside influences, and karma.
When this card appears, it reminds you there will always be good and bad in this lifetime. Life comes and goes in cycles – so when times are tough, remember the saying: “this too shall pass.” The Wheel of Fortune Card tells us to remember that if it wasn’t for the darkness, we wouldn’t appreciate the light.
The Wheel of Fortune also suggests that we cannot stay stagnant and simply accept the circumstances that approach us; if it is something negative, work to improve it… and if it is something good, run with it in confidence. Turning points in life will always come, it is all about how you deal with them.
When this card appears, there may be outside factors influencing a situation..whether you are aware of them or not. They may even be totally out of your control. However, trust the Universe, embrace unpredictability, accept change, and adapt accordingly.
This may be a pivotal point in your life, which only means that new opportunities are going to present themselves. Change is coming – it’s inevitable now – so all you can do, is remain optimistic.
The Wheel of Fortune also represents karma, bringing with it a message reminding us that “what goes around comes around.” We must be sure to remember this, when we act with either positive or negative vibrations, thoughts, and actions.
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