Cleanses for Autumn: best ways to detox your body

Autumn has arrived and this is when we should begin a detoxification process that will strengthen our defenses and prepare us for the cooler temperatures. This process is based on the consumption of foods that are rich in antioxidants, which help the body to “cleanse” and strengthen the immune system. Where can we find these antioxidants? Here are the best food for cleanses for Autumn.
Cleanses for Autumn: the power of antioxidants
The most powerful antioxidants in foods are:
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- Vitamin A – present in carrot, sweet potato, raw parsley, egg yolk, liver, mango and tomato;
- Vitamin C – fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, clementine), kiwi and strawberry;
- Vitamin E – present in oils (such as olive oil), vegetable creams, oil fruits (walnuts, almonds, peanuts) and seeds (sesame, sunflower, hemp);
- Carotenoids (pro-vitamin A) – are found in fruits and vegetables. Beta carotene, for example, is found in sweet potatoes and yellow / orange vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, papaya, mango) and red fruits (blackberries, raspberries, strawberries);
- Polyphenols – present in a wide variety of foods such as vegetables and fruit, some along with carotenoids such as soy and derivatives, cocoa, red wine, teas and infusions (mainly green tea).
Cleanses for Autumn: a recipe you need to try
Carrot Pudding
A beautiful pudding with two of the ingredients we should eat this season: the carrot, which being a root and unborn within the earth, has the ability to gather the minerals helping our gut to get stronger; and Agar, which has a gelling power with many benefits for our bodies and helps to facilitate intestinal transit.
Carrots have the ability to gather minerals helping our gut to get stronger.
- 10 carrots
- 1 orange peel
- 2 tbsp of agar
- 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
- 5 tbsp of rice jelly
- 1 cinnamon stick
- A pinch of salt
- 1 bowl of apple juice soup
- Cut carrots into slices and place them in a pan together with all other ingredients.
- Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to medium / low.
- Let it cook for about 20 minutes.
- It is convenient to stir while cooking because cornstarch has a tendency to stick and eventually burn if you are not careful.
- Remove orange peel and cinnamon stick and mash very well.
- Place this preparation in a pan and refrigerate until it’s cold.
Cleanses for Autumn: lungs and drain conditions
WeMystic proposes the following approach with essential oils:
During the healing period, reduce your calorie and carnivorous intake and increase plant inputs. We naturally forget the desserts during this period.
To drain the clogging treatment, use Aneethun essential oil. It’s a digestive stimulant, antispasmodic always good for the liver and stomach. Can be replaced by tarragon E. oil if you don’t like its taste.
Essential oil of lovage in this way stimulates the liver secretions without pulling the liver. Chelate (disinfects the body of heavy metals, revitalizes and is slightly anticoagulant. Celery, like Lovage E. oil, is perfect for a drug detox.
Rosemary Verbenone essential oil has draining properties in the hepato-biliary sphere. Relieves the liver of excess fat. It is an endocrine regulator, a nervous revitalizing oil.
Peppermint essential oil is very stimulating; it stimulates while draining fatigue.
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