Mercury in Pisces: brain in the heart
As Mercury is the planet of communication and knowledge, it rules the way we think and speak our minds. If you want to know more about your intellect and reasoning, let’s learn how Mercury in Pisces is.
Mercury in Pisces
Water is the element of Pisces (just as Cancer and Scorpio) and Neptune is its ruling planet. This combination brings a lot of emotion to the rational side and having balance is essential.
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In astrology we say this is a delicate positioning. Mercury is the planet of reason and understanding. Pisces is a sign that alone has enough difficulty in understanding things. So, you can already imagine that these people will have some problems during life.
These people will be unable to think with reason. They will transfer all their thoughts to the heart zone instead. This will slow them down to make decisions because they will always ask themselves, “How am I feeling?”, “What will I feel if I decide to do this?”
The connection with intuition is something very commendable, but it can not always be applied. There is not much time for quick decisions and even when they are confronted to them, they will be supported by their feelings. This does not always correspond to a good logic for themselves.
Go with the flow
Everyone knows that we should not make a decision when we are sad or angry. Mercury in Pisces will ignore this and often regret it. Our emotions change at all times, so it is not very smart to guide our lives from them.
These people will also be very sensitive and influential. They will take into account everything others say. They may get lost in the midst of the confusion and may be depressed because they can not get anywhere.
If intuition is well balanced with reason, it is important that they attach themselves to it. It will be good to preserve sanity and maintain their personality.
Mercury in Pisces: wonderful world
The imagination of those who have Mercury in Pisces is something to note. These people have a unique ability to invent stories and create magical worlds in their heads. And this creative side can always be applied in real life, through writing for example.
Writers, screenwriters, and novelists will benefit greatly if they have Mercury in Pisces. They also have the ability to turn information into something visual. Artistic gifts also make them interested in fine arts and music very early on.
And from the giant imagination they have, empathy is born. Do you know when someone tells you a story and the other responds with “I’ve been there.”? Chances are high to be a Mercury in Pisces. They can even imagine themselves in the other person’s place and that is a very sweet characteristic.
Their thinking is not aggressive and the way they have to communicate with others is very gentle and thoughtful. Usually, they are those friends who can make you feel better by saying the right words. Even if the scenario they painted is not real, it will be comforting to imagine a world where everything is going well, at least for a few moments.
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