The Men of Capricorn: the hardworking and methodical

The men of Capricorn bear some stigma about being shy and hardly enjoying praise. Well, when it comes to the Capricorn man, forget all this and leave behind any of the preexisting concepts, for if there is anyone who really likes to get compliments and to be noticed, it is that man – even if he can make a mistake and misunderstand. Pretend you don’t care.
The men of the Capricorn: personality traits
These men appreciate compliments of all kinds and that’s why they are so hardworking, always wanting to achieve their goals and everyone’s recognition. The men of Capricorn always like to complain about everything and everyone as if nothing is as good or as competent as they are. It is as if it is in their nature to think that they are always being exploited or misunderstood.
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It’s important to note that their need for attention is different from the leonine way, for example, which is always exaggerating in its gestures, or even from the Sagittarius who loves to make a fuss when he comes to an event. The men of the Capricorn also like to disguise their need for attention so that they are noted for their elegance and precisely their apparent discretion, which is nothing but pure staging.
The men of the Capricorn in love
First of all we need to be aware that if there is something that the Capricorn man can appreciate even more than compliments is his family. So don’t even think about trying to treat any family member in a hurry or criticize any of them – it’s like asking for an almost instant argument.
It will be very difficult to find any of these men who do not spend Christmas with family and who do not talk about their mothers as if they lived on an altar. Before starting a relationship with a Capricorn man, you need to consider whether your values match his own, for although they have a generally diplomatic character, if they happen to criticize any of your values, there is a good chance that they will interpret this as a offense.
If the values differ greatly, rethink the relationship well, as you probably won’t have much chance of a happy ending.
Unlike Sagittarius, the man of Capricorn is not very optimistic and so does not get too carried away by feelings, always calculates his relationship very carefully, analyzing the chances of marriage, what would be the best date and place, where will the honeymoon be, and only after visualizing their whole life together until old age he makes his decision.
So don’t worry if things take a long time to mesh with this man. This is very positive, because after so much pondering and making their decision they hardly regret or turn back.
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