Astrological compatibility: the types of relationships

Astrological compatibility shows there are 7 types of couples you can form with your beloved partner. Do you ever wonder about the connection between you two? What does it make you live together? The answers for that and more are in this article and you need to read it right now.
Astrological compatibility: what to know
“What’s your sign?” is a common question when we are interested in knowing someone better. If you are an Astrology lover, Astrological compatibility is very important to you. After all, you like to know where you are stepping in.
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But what if we go further beyond this question and start analyzing what brought you two together? Every position in the Zodiac Wheel tells us a different story and we are here to show it to you. Ready to know more about the 7 types of relationship you can have with someone?
Same Sign: the dream team
Finding someone who is exactly like you might be a dream, right? Imagine a relationship where you see yourself in a mirror with all flaws and qualities. This type of match usually does not provoke discomfort if you have accepted yourself in the totality. But watching “another you” so close can cause goosebumps if you can not live with what you need to improve.
If you are dating someone who has the same sign as you, face it like an opportunity to reflect about yourself. One can help the other understand all the aspects of your humanity as you go live. Since you are so equal, just watch out to not turn into siblings instead of lovers. Keep the flame of passion up.

Sign Apart: the teacher and the student
If living with a person who has the same sign as you can be an easy breeze, living with just one sign ahead can be a hurricane. It is as if you were seeing that neighbor who is completely different than you and never getting into his house. If you enjoy classical music, he likes to play rock out loud. If you want to go fast, he wants to go slow and so it goes.
However, when we are confronted with such differences, we have something to learn. Astrology says that the next sign after yours is a teacher for you. Although you may never believe or recognize this.

Signs apart: dating my best friend
The relationship between people who are two houses away tends to be wonderful. It is like you were dating your best friend but with sexual chemistry. They for the success, in this case, is that your partner will always have the same element as your sign or a compatible one, like earth and water for example.
You will probably share things in common like the musical taste, political vision and what aspects to consider when raising a child. Both connection and communication are easy and you just need to care of not feeling like friends and nothing else. Remember to plan date nights and keep the passion alive.
2 signs apart couples:
- Aries: Sagittarius or Aquarius
- Taurus: Pisces or Cancer
- Gemini: Aries or Leo
- Cancer: Taurus or Virgo
- Leo: Gemini or Libra
- Virgo: Cancer or Scorpio
- Libra: Leo or Sagittarius
- Scorpio: Virgo or Capricorn
- Sagittarius: Libra or Aquarius
- Capricorn: Scorpio or Pisces
- Aquarius: Sagittarius or Aries
- Pisces: Capricorn or Taurus

Astrological compatibility – Signs apart: tough match
In Astrology, all the square aspects are rough and this is what happens with 3 Signs apart couples. It might be love or hate at first sight and if you choose to love, you are going to put a lot of effort to make it work.
The problem here (which can be not considered a problem if you look at another way) is that this kind of relationship puts you face to face to old issues. Dealing with profound wounds can make both of you adopt a passive-aggressive attitude.
3 signs apart couples:
- Aries + Cancer or Capricorn
- Taurus + Aquarius or Leo
- Gemini + Pisces or Virgo
- Cancer + Aries or Libra
- Leo + Taurus or Scorpio
- Virgo + Gemini or Sagittarius
- Libra + Cancer or Capricorn
- Scorpio + Leo or Aquarius
- Sagittarius + Virgo or Pisces
- Capricorn + Aries or Libra
- Aquarius + Scorpio or Taurus
- Pisces + Gemini or Sagittarius

Astrological compatibility: home sweet home
Imagine a relationship that feels like home. You are not with a person exactly like you (same sign) but the taste of familiarity is wonderful. You might complete each other’s phrases because you know how and what about the other person is thinking.
The reason for that? You two share the same element. When there is an astrological compatibility with a bond by the element, you already know the “modus operandi” because it is similar than yours. Energetic (fire), secure (earth), light-minded (air) and emotional (water). You do not need to explain yourself and vice-versa.
4 signs apart couples:
- Water: Cancer + Scorpio + Pisces
- Air: Gemini + Libra + Aquarius
- Earth: Taurus + Virgo + Capricorn
- Fire: Aries + Leo + Sagittarius

Signs apart: what do you have?
This is the type of couple that everybody (including you) is asking “What do they have in common?”. Probably nothing but you ended up together for a higher purpose, Astrology believes. Some astrologers even say that this might be a karmic relationship, something you just can not avoid and need to pass through in this life.
The one little thing that made you attract each other is almost invisible and secret. You do not know exactly what it is but you do know there is something.
5 signs apart couples:
- Aries + Virgo or Scorpio
- Taurus + Libra or Sagittarius
- Gemini + Scorpio or Capricorn
- Cancer + Sag or Aquarius
- Leo + Capricorn or Pisces
- Virgo + Aquarius or Aries
- Libra + Pisces or Taurus
- Scorpio + Aries or Gemini
- Sagittarius + Taurus or Cancer

Signs apart: do opposites attract?
In the early years of Astrological compatibility, everybody was talking about this type of connection. It is common to hear that the opposite sign in the wheel is your soulmate. Although you are far the most as you can be, you have something in common – and something big.
This couple shares a big challenge to accomplish together. It might have something to do with responsibility and service, where one helps the other to achieve a higher status of the soul. One day, you wake up and suddenly realize that it was meant to be.
Opposite signs:
- Aries + Libra
- Taurus + Scorpio
- Gemini + Sagittarius
- Cancer + Capricorn
- Leo + Aquarius
- Virgo + Pisces
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