Mercury in House 7: natural PRs that everybody needs

Mercury in House 7 can be a very good and efficient positioning if you learn how to apply it in your daily life. Does all your attention seem to be focused on the public? Talking to people is easy for you? If you answered yes to these questions, you match with Mercury in House 7 profile.
Mercury in House 7: what are Mercury and House 7?
To understand more of Mercury in House 7, first we need to go back to the old mythology. The Romans used to see Mercury as a personification of travel and trade. The Greeks, on the other hand, had another name for the planet: Hermes, who was the messenger God, with wings on his feet. These definitions match with the physical conditions of the planet. Mercury is the fastest moving around the Sun.
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In Astrology, we interpret Mercury as a chance to connect our mind and reasoning with the Divine. The planet gives us the impulse to gather knowledge and then decode our thoughts, making them into words. Its influence on the way we write and speak is huge. And it is not only about what is written or spoken, Mercury affects all kinds of communication, including the visual.
House 7 is the House of partnerships and society. Being the seventh House, it associates with the sign Libra and represents our agreements and serious relationships. It is commonly known as “The House of Love” and the aspects you have in this area of your chart tells how you see and relate with others.
Every astrological House can be empty or shelter more than one planet. If you have Mercury in House 7 it seems that you have no problem to initiate and keep healthy relationships throughout your life.
Mercury in House 7 and the influence of Venus and Libra
As we said before, House 7 links with Libra. Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac and has Venus as ruling planet. Venus is the Goddess of Love and Beauty, the one who is always seeking for harmony among her children.
That means that the way you speak can be very soft and charming. As if it was the voice of a true nymph. There might be a flirty nature that makes you want to know each one and everyone. Life, for you, is all about meeting people, talking to them and collecting friends (or lovers).
The combination of Venus-Libra with Mercury makes of you a manager of this area. If some other people find difficult to have so much going on, you present yourself as a tireless PR. And the best of all, it is that you are always trying to keep it up, happy and in peace.
Mercury in House 7: white flags
If we are talking about Mercury in the House of Love, it is expected that you spend a lot of time communicating with your beloved one (or about your beloved one). The beauty of that in a relationship is that you do not fear confrontation. We mean, as much as you do not like hot discussions (as Mercury in Aries or Leo does), you are interested in finding a solution for the couple’s problems.
You tend to expand this characteristic to your circle of friends too. If there is something wrong and bothering the group, it is likely that somebody calls you to be the peacemaker. Your communication is diplomatic and will serve as a white flag.
Mercury in House 7 seeks for mental connection when looking for a friend, lover or even a job. Often, these people do not see a problem in opening their lives to someone they have just met and this creates a pleasant sensation of familiarity. The one thing you must pay attention is to not talk too much, overcoming others. Sometimes, it is definitely better to listen than to speak.
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