The Mounts in Palm Reading

The Mounts of the palm are very important while performing Palmistry, because they reveal a lot about both our physical and emotional composition. These seven mounds of flesh are synonymous with our planetary solar system, and have correlating relationships with The Major Lines and The Minor Lines.
Mounts of Palmistry
The meaning of each of the Mounts of the palm varies individually from person to person; for some people, they are well-elevated while for others they are flatter. And then some have higher Mounts and lower Mounts on the same hand. Each variations uncovers different levels of vibrational energy.
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The Mounts we will discuss in this article include:
- Mount of Mercury
- Mount of Sun (Apollo)
- Mount of Saturn
- Mount of Jupiter
- Mount of Moon (Luna)
- Mount of Venus
- Mounts of Mars
Planetary Correlations and Meanings of the Mounts
Just as with the astrological energy that each of the planets emits, the Mounts of the palm are each assigned a corresponding planet, helping us to comprehend their meaning. As we discussed in our Natal Birth Charts article, each of the planets gives off a certain vibrational energy that shapes certain aspects of our life, depending on where it was located at the exact time of our birth. These same planetary energies show themselves within the Mounts of our palm, as well.
A well developed Mount will exemplify a beautiful balance and approach to life in the area that its corresponding planet represents. A flattened or undeveloped Mount signifies weaknesses or absence of the characteristics that the planet represents. So here, we’ll dive into what each of the Mounts represents, so you can learn how to read your own (or those of others!).
Mount of Mercury
This Mount is located at the base of the pinky, or little finger. Mercury, the Planet of Communication, attaches its meaning to this Mount by way of exposing traits related to verbal communication, adaptability, practicality, logic and wisdom.
- Well Developed: Flexible, good communication skills, quick-witted, reads others well, psychologically strong, organized and sensible
- Low or Flattened: Negativity, low will power, shyness, issues with communication, low achievement of financial success
- Overdeveloped: Being “all talk and no action,” greedy, materialistic, quick to make snide comments without thinking it through first
Mount of Sun (Apollo)
Also known as the Mount of Apollo, this Mount is located at the base of the ring finger. This energy reflects self-assurance, masculinity, confidence, leadership, passionate ventures, wealth, and the capability to be an independent influencer (as is the energy of the Sun).
- Well Developed: Adaptiveness to change, outgoing, clever, compassion
- Low or Flattened: Lack of love for the arts, dull, introverted, bad fortune in wealth, consistent
trouble making sound decisions - Overdeveloped: Quick or hot tempered, envious, antagonistic in all relationships (including
partners, friends and lovers)
Mount of Saturn
This Mount is located at the base of the middle finger. As Saturn is the disciplinarian “father” of the solar system, the same attributes apply to this Mount. It’s all about duty, patience, responsibility, and integrity.
- Well Developed: Intelligent, responsible, independent, friendly, mathematically skilled, organized and accepting of reality
- Low or Flattened: Depressed, lonely, disorganized, superficial, unable to step back and judge the self and actions as equally as judging others
- Overdeveloped: Stubborn, isolated, overcautious, show-off, cynical, pessimistic, and mistrusting
Mount of Jupiter
This Mount is located at the base of the forefinger. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, ambition, and attaining knowledge. This applies to the Jupiter Mount by way of reflecting determination, ego, accomplishment, will power, self-respect, optimism, strive for higher wisdom, and how one perceives the world/how the world perceives the individual.
- Well Developed: Ambitious, honest, strong sense of spirituality, selfless, humanitarian, successful achievement in career, optimistic, compassionate, pleasant demeanor, and good health
- Low or Flattened: Low self-confidence, lack of ambition, little to no motivation to create and/or make progress
- Overdeveloped: Overambitious, dominating, controlling nature, cocky, self-centered, pretentious, and a lack of compassion
Mount of Moon (Luna)
Sometimes referred to as the Mount of Luna, this Mount is located at the base of the palm, on the side of the little finger, underneath/next to the Mount of Outer Mars. As the Moon reflects an energy of emotions, intuition, imagination and creativity, so does this Mount represent the same qualities, depending on its level of development.
- Well Developed: Intuitive, imaginative, creative, love of nature, appreciates the arts, a dreamer, psychic abilities, compassionate, a love of water
- Low or Flattened: Introverted, spends most time alone in own imagination, conservative, lacking of innovation in the physical world, lacks enthusiasm, pessimistic
- Overdeveloped: Head in the clouds, over imaginative, sentimental, easily depressed, overly emotional, lives in a fantasy world, ungrounded
Mount of Venus
This Mount is located at the base of the thumb, underneath/next to the Mount of Inner Mars. Venus is the planet representative of all things passionate: love, beauty, luxury, sensuality, and physical appearance. These are the energies reflected in this Mount.
- Well Developed: Attractive, passionate, gentle, enjoys the “finer things,” sympathetic, influential, strong friendships, good luck in love, sensual
- Low or Flattened: Cold-hearted, lack of energy, less than ideal connection to family/domestic life, overly critical of others, uninterested in romance
- Overdeveloped: Promiscuous, overindulgent, overly energetic, seeking of instant gratification, superficial, materialistic
Mounts of Mars
These three Mounts are located in the center of the palm. Mars is the planet of action, initiation, masculine energy, war and aggression. Each Mount deals with certain aspects of those energetic traits.
Mount of Inner/Lower Mars (Negative Mars):
Located between the Mounts of Jupiter and Venus, this Mount represents aggression and enthusiasm (positive and negative).
- Well Developed: Healthy, courageous, adventurous, and enthusiastic
- Low or Flattened: Indecisive, timid, lack of self-esteem, uncertain, unmotivated, unable to
express emotions, and withdrawn - Overdeveloped: Aggressive, egotistical, quick-tempered, overindulgent, and argumentative
Mount of Outer/Upper Mars (Positive Mars):
Located between the Mounts of Venus and Moon (Luna), this Mount represents an individual’s temperament and sense of resistance.
- Well Developed: Courageous, healthy, well-balanced, strong in character
- Low or Flattened: Trouble expressing inner and truest feelings and emotions
- Overdeveloped: Defiant, stubborn
Plain of Mars (Middle of Mars):
Located in the center of the palm, between Inner Mars and Outer Mars Mounts. As this area of the palm is not necessarily a large “Mount,” there are different interpretations that go along with it.
- Thicker (Well Developed): Sociable, high energy, possibly rebellious
- Undeveloped: Self-centered, quick-tempered
- Dip in the Plain : Patience, calm temperament
Learning to perform palm reading on yourself assists you in the ability to embrace your true self, including your talents, unconscious habits and character traits. Check out our other articles on Palm Reading, including The Major Lines, The Minor Lines, and other Markings. Happy Palm Reading!
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