Affirmations for the chakras: speak to your energy
There are many therapies that help our energy centers to work properly, but perhaps, one of the least known, is the one that has to do with affirmations for the chakras.
Affirmations for the chakras: how to align the chakras with this therapy?
As you know, the chakras are our energy centers. They regulate the energy that enters our physical, emotional and mental fields. And in the same way, they are responsible for the controlled output of that same energy.
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So, if our chakras are not working properly, we will be affected energetically, and even emotionally and physically.
This misalignment ends up being reflected in our daily lives. We feel tired, as if our feet are heavy, discouragement and negativism invades us and we begin to notice that everything around us stops working.
On the contrary, if our chakras are aligned, we feel confident in ourselves, we see everything more clearly and we flow, as if we were on a raft on a calm river.
How to align through affirmations
The first thing to keep in mind is that affirmations for the chakras work with repetition. This means that if you only use affirmations once a week, then the results will be practically null.
On the contrary, if you repeat the affirmations for the chakras, in the way we explain below, and also vibrate positively when doing it, you will soon begin to feel how the energy flows better, in you and around you.
You must repeat them in the morning, before getting out of bed, and at night, before going to sleep.
Even if during the day, you have a peaceful moment, you can take advantage of it to repeat the affirmations, and thus reinforce the alignment of your chakras, because with repetition, we reprogram our mind.
You can choose a single affirmation and repeat it or use several and swap them throughout the day.
The affirmations for the chakras can be on a material or spiritual level, in the case of the first two chakras they are of a material nature, for example.
Affirmations for the root chakra
- I let go of all my fears related to financial prosperity and abundance;
- I am financially and materially prosperous;
- I love my body;
- I trust life and the universe.
Affirmations for the sacral chakra
- I make the best decisions;
- I express and feel my emotions;
- My sexuality is balanced;
- I deserve happiness.
Affirmations for the solar plexus
- I act from light, kindness and love;
- I enjoy my life and what I do;
- I accept myself as I am;
- I deserve all the good.
Affirmations for the heart chakra
- I love myself fully;
- I deserve true love;
- I give and receive love unconditionally;
- Love is the center of my life.
Affirmations for the throat chakra
- I speak the truth from light and love;
- I let my Higher Self speak through my mouth;
- I listen from love;
- I use my words only for good.
Affirmations for the third eye
- I listen to my intuition;
- I see the world with love;
- I am wis;
- I let go of the past and I am not afraid of the present or the future
Affirmations for the crown chakra
- I accept the guidance of the Divine;
- My life is blessed;
- I don’t allow the ego to dominate my spirit;
- I am one with creation.
Since the chakras work together, we recommend that you use affirmations for all seven chakras, and do not focus on just one, as it could cause further misalignment.
Now that you have this wonderful tool, use the affirmations for the chakras and flow with the universe.
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