The 13 chakras and the benefits of harmonizing them

If the existence of the 7 chakras is well recognized in the West, few people know that we have 13 chakras as it is transmitted in ancient ancestral traditions including the Vedic tradition. Learn more about the 13 chakras with Wemystic.
The 13 chakras and their characteristics

The first of the 13 chakras
Also called root chakra, it is located at the level of the perineum, it is protected by the sacrum and the coccyx. It is the basic chakra on which the energy is based.
This place is the instinctive zone, that of our impulses, of our unexplained desires (which arise out of reason), of our primary impulses: the primal energy, the vital impulse.

The second chakra
The second chakra is related to sexuality, creativity and passion. If this chakra is unstable, you may not be able to properly manage one or more of its different categories from this energy point.
It is all a matter of managing thoughts, that is, learning to control your thoughts. If you want to succeed in attracting everything you want, it always starts with a thought. Take the time to analyze your current situation and find out how you can improve your thinking.

The third of the 13 chakras
The solar plexus chakra or fire chakra is the center of personal power, self-confidence and courage. When harmonized, you feel strong and powerful, full of confidence, like the wise warrior.
If it is not in harmony, one can feel shame, have the feeling of not being good enough to do this or that, to be without personal power.

The fourth chakra
The fourth chakra appears to be quite simple in operation, as it is directly related to emotions, qualities that affect emotional feeling. In fact, we think that it is enough to love your neighbor, to have empathy, to listen to live in full harmony. However, remember that the love you are about to give begins with you. Before you can give to others, it is essential that you love yourself.

The fifth chakra
The throat chakra represents the fifth energy center located on the seventh cervical vertebra. In Sanskrit, we call it Vishuddi meaning “purification”. Its symbol is a blue lotus with 24 petals. Energy flows from the front of the throat to the back of the neck, going up slightly.
In Kundalini Yoga, Vishuddi represents the top of the so-called “physical” chakras and makes the passage with the next, which allows to align the energy of the centers.

The sixth chakra
The third eye is the meeting place and synthesis of all our polarities thanks to the direct and intuitive vision.
Right brain and left brain, front and back of the body, inside and outside, the energies of heaven and earth, of our feminine and masculine. We can call it the place of the interior marriage.

The seventh of the 13 chakras
While the first of the 13 chakras is the bridge between us and the earth, our incarnation; the seventh chakra is the opening towards the infinite, the link with the divine, the mystery of existence, what is not local, the eternal. It is the fundamental frequency of the universe before any particular manifestation.

The eighth chakra – Supra – Unit (gold)
The eighth chakra is connected to the opening of the foot chakra. This chakra contains in it the memory of diseases that have affected us. There are possibilities that on a psychological level, we could smell the scent of these previous lives in this present life. In view of these physical and psychological ailments from the past, today’s medicine does not understand how to give curative care to cure them.

The ninth chakra – clairvoyance (white)
The ninth chakra is located about a meter above the head. This chakra has filaments of light that are wired around its center. When this chakra is in harmony with the other chakras, it emits radiant energy, which can resemble a rainbow spiral. The ninth chakra has a link to the body of the soul which we call “Merkabah” or “body of Light”. We can see a halo appear around the physical body. Thus, this body of the soul enters the physical body and merges; at this point, the person is said to be illuminated.

The tenth chakra – telepathy (transparent)
The tenth chakra is located 2.4 to 3 meters above the coronal chakra. So, one cannot actually access this chakra as a normal chakra. We can see it with our soul eyes, it looks like a tornado of light, a rainbow that fills our aura. Other authors place it 45 to 120 cm below our feet. What is important is that it incorporates the higher Self into the physical body for its mission on earth, and to be at the service of humanity.

The eleventh chakra – teleportation (platinum)
The eleventh chakra begins the process of ascension on an energy level within the individual. This chakra contains the energy connections necessary for the individual to manifest advanced spiritual skills.

The twelfth chakra – Supra spirituality (rainbow)
The twelfth chakra is our inherited link with the main creator and the grand gate network of the Universal energy system of integrity, and is the set of all dimensions and realities. It is here that we learn the ability to cross the vertical time line.

The thirteenth chakra – infra – Earth Star (Iridescent)
It is your base point where the energy of the body is altered into terrestrial and inverted energy. A good and well foot chakra will help you manifest things more substantially, because it is the transformer of your thought energy in the earth system and is the anchor of the physical plane.
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