10 signs that you have an advanced soul
Nowadays, more and more people are awakening for their spirituality. The path is different for everyone, a lot of people start by reading books, others by yoga or meditation, the options are many, and people follow what resonates with them. But besides that, even though two people can choose the same starting point, it takes different times for everyone. If you are reading this, you are probably on your spiritual journey for an advanced soul!
If you’re looking into yourself and examining your spiritual progression, know from now that that’s a necessary process and it’s ok to feel the need to do it. Every person needs to rethink and make adjustments in their journey. At the same time, you also need to know if you have been progressing.
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Take a look into the following characteristics that all highly advanced souls share and learn more about your process.
10 Signs of an Advanced Soul you must be aware of

You trust life
Being on a spiritual path made you realize that everything happens in the right time and all the situations, things and people that come into your life have a reason, whether it’s about learning new lessons or experiencing happiness.
You also understand that fear is a barrier for opportunities and growth, so you welcome your worries, but you don’t feed them, you fight them with kindness, meditation and a feeling of gratitude and trust.

You practice forgiveness
You came to realize that hatred feelings towards other people affect you hugely and hurt your life, also attracting those feelings in your direction from other people. You now know that the language of love is the more effective and the most positive, so you nurture your life with compassion, love and forgiveness, even if you are still improving on that perspective.

You feel in peace with who you are
The social media world nowadays translates in most people willing to be someone they are not. That means another work, another lifestyle, unhappiness with their own body, with the place where they live, the food they eat. Summing up, on a feeling of strong inadequacy and sadness or envy.
In your spiritual path, you have been able to more and more be aligned with who you are, your style of living, dressing, the friends life gives you or the place you are at. Of course, that means you live in peace with yourself.
Another thing in this aspect is that, even though more and more people are aware of the needs of spiritual life, the real fact is that almost everyone still expects the same old patterns from you. It can be a “normal” job, a traditional family, or even the way you once behave. You can now deal with these opinions without doubting your choices because you are confident that what you are choosing is what your heart tells you to do.

Advanced soul – You are connected
Your advanced soul feels deeply connected with the universe! There is no more division between you and the other, and you know that everything that exists comes from the same source: other human beings, other animals, other planets, etc.
You cultivate a strong sense of belonging and respect for every being. You feel deeply connected when you are in nature, but also when you have the chance to share your time with other people.

You feel gratitude
The connection previously mentioned is also linked to this constant feeling of gratitude. You adopt this perspective of life every day, and even on your bad days, you remember to be thankful for all the lessons you can learn from it, and for the set of good things that you always have in your life.
You know that through this you influence other people and you promote an environment of happiness.

You step boundaries
Without being selfish, you have learned that you need boundaries to have a happy life!
The turning point on this process was the moment you realized you were not mean or selfish because of it, and you could do it with respect for others.

Advanced soul – You are positive
Being positive doesn’t mean you don’t suffer or you deny pain, it means that you always look for the bright side of everything. You know this was something that started growing in you and spreading in your life.
Nowadays you do it without even making an effort, and it’s like brushing your teeth or having lunch, it’s something so natural that you often feel surprised when you are confronted with other people’s negativity.
Your positivity is on your thoughts but also on your words and the way you relate to everyone, and you make contact with these people.

You practice self-love
It sounds easy, but if you are an advanced soul, you know this one of your biggest challenges is to spend time for yourself, taking care of your energy, health and giving some love to you. But you also recognize how important it is in your process, so you do everything you can to discipline yourself to spend more time with you.

Advanced soul – You find joy in service
Although you set boundaries and you make time for self-love, you can also recognize the moments for service. In these moments, instead of feeling like complaining or thinking that you could be doing something else, you see service as a source of joy, since it’s an opportunity for you to elevate your soul.

You attract people with the same interests and beliefs
You are surrounded by people that bring new information and help you develop your soul. By now, you are sure that you don’t need to look after or search for these energies to appear in your life, you need to open your heart and mind.
If you recognize this issue influences in yourself and your life, you are in the right path for a developed soul, but remember that this is something that you need to keep doing. Analyze the points on your spiritual journey that still make sense to you and the things you wish to change and transform.
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