Chinese Horoscope October 2021: enjoy friends, love and luck

Coinciding with the beginning of the month of Libra in the Western horoscope, October begins with the rulership of the Dog in the Chinese horoscope in this year of the Metal Ox. It is a period that promises solutions, relationships, and prosperity to those who know how to take advantage of the opportunities along the way.
The month of the Dog is considered a Yang period, of positive polarity. The zodiac correspondence with this month is very favorable, in general, although all Chinese signs have pros and cons to be faced. You will know how to deal with each of these aspects!
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This new cycle of the Chinese horoscope brings with it a duality, in which the best qualities of the dog (faithfulness, loyalty and joy) can be combined with ferocity and the will to defend life, loved ones and property at all costs.
October also indicates an increase in the expressive qualities of friendship. This is a time when you can really separate the wheat from the chaff; identify loyal friends from those who go behind your back.
Chinese Horoscopes: Sign of the Rat in the month of the Dog
This month, the Rat will find itself in the midst of a very positive phase in terms of affection and relationships, as you will be able to connect more easily with people who have been distant from you – physically or emotionally.
October will be marked by days when you will find yourself facing people who are beautiful, inside and out, and who, at some point in their lives, have played an important role for you. These are people who at one time changed or moved on, and are now looking for rapprochement or reconciliation. Make that opening!
On the professional side, there will be an opportunity to start a new business. But for this, you will have to trust your instincts and intuitions a little more. Go without fear, and you will have no problems.
All very good so far, isn’t it? But beware of lack of planning and haste. Don’t promise what you can’t keep later. Avoid giving deadlines, just say that you “are thinking about it.
In health, things are going well, so take the opportunity to put into practice everything that was not working in your life in the past. This is a month when results will come more easily.
Chinese Horoscopes: Sign of the Ox in the month of the Dog
The month of the Dog brings two very good news for your sign. One of them is related to a professional problem that you will face in the first days of the month, which is associated with a search for promotion or salary increase.
First thing in the morning, try to stay still in bed, and remember the dreams you have had. Write them down, as they will tell you what you should do about it.
There will be another opportunity closely connected with a feeling of reconciliation. So don’t be surprised if a “hello there, missing” appears among your messages in the next few days. Someone will be looking for you, most likely to bring you good news.
As for the dangers that may appear, you will have the intelligence to solve them. When conflicts or difficulties arise, have the wit or mental agility to be able to find a solution immediately.
In October, pending trips could come off the drawing board, which is a good sign. On the other hand, incompatibility could arise in the work environment. So be careful when giving very strong opinions (about politics or religion, for example). Don’t compromise!
Chinese Horoscopes: Sign of the Tiger in the month of the Dog
Opportunities and situations to avoid will present themselves as always. Your economic development changes, and you have been going through complicated issues like these, October starts with solutions – although they are not definitive. Try to face challenges calmly. Think long and hard before taking action, even if this is difficult for you, such an impulsive sign.
Family, relatives, and friends will gather this month, including in places where it was not possible last year due to the pandemic. These people will slowly, safely, come back into your life, and this will fill your days with joy.
As is your nature, the period will hold a lot of impulsiveness. You tend to speak without thinking, as soon as thoughts occur to you, without measuring the consequences of your actions. But remember: words can hurt! Once they come out of your mouth, you will probably bite your lips and regret it. Avoid situations like these!
Something very positive can also come to your family, like the announcement of a baby, for example.
Chinese Horoscopes: Rabbit Sign in the Month of the Dog
Although they are at different poles, there is a good relationship between the Dog and the Rabbit. However, be very careful this month about “promises” whose lines lead you in the opposite direction. Although you will be presented with opportunities for salary improvements, read contracts carefully, be sure of everything in the world, before you sign anything.
Physically speaking, if you suffer or have suffered from any health problems, such as asthma, diabetes, or being overweight, now is the time to make concrete plans and make a difference. The Universe is conspiring in your favor, so make good use of this energy!
You will be very lucky in matters where chance is involved, and this will be revealed by numbers you get in dreams, clairvoyance, or people, which you will interpret only as a coincidence. When you have this information, use it in games, raffles, passwords, and wait for what comes.
Chinese Horoscopes: Dragon Sign in the Month of the Dog
You will have the opportunity to meet new people in the business world, at work, who will open doors for you to a new professional relationship. You may not even realize this openness now, but start cultivating relationships that are convenient in your life right away.
You will have the opportunity to shine socially, to demonstrate your ability and intelligence. And if you are working in a company where any difficulties arise, you will be the one to solve them.
In love, whether you are single or not, October is a very intense and passionate phase, and you will definitely not go unnoticed by other people’s glances. On the other hand, the danger that looms is jealousy, for there will be a tendency to possess or want to dominate – either you with respect to others or the other way around.
Be very careful and don’t confuse things. Don’t keep pressuring your partner, smothering and questioning their every move.
Chinese Horoscopes: Serpent Sign in the month of Dog
October will give you the opportunity to meet some very interesting people. If you are looking for a job, you will meet someone who can help you leverage your career. When they hand you a business card or invite you to a dinner party, just go! Because this will be a good start for your professional ascension.
If you have been contemplating buying a car, house, or household equipment of higher value, this month money will move positively in your life; helping you to recover budgets and finances that have been poor in recent months.
The month of the Dog also represents the opportunity you have been waiting for to embark on a new adventure, towards that which you have always wanted to do, such as a trip or a situation that you thought would not happen until the end of the year.
Just beware of rushing or procrastination. The key is to do each thing at the right time. Everything needs planning, and you should be prepared in case there are obstacles or unforeseen events.
This is also a great month for those looking for a partner and wanting to travel. Just take advantage of it! The opportunities are in your hands!
Chinese Horoscopes: Horse Sign in the month of the Dog
All those situations that have been worrying you in the last months, weeks, and days, now go to the background. October is a time when you should concentrate your energies on the plans you have in mind for the final months of 2021. Resolve your pending issues, especially those that the pandemic has put huge stones in the way. Now you will see opportunities.
An economic evolution is also about to happen in your life, through someone who will make you an interesting proposal. Analyze it very well, because in this apparently harmless conversation, you could unveil a great secret, or find the key that was missing to open many doors.
Love also reserves very pleasant news for this month. If you are single, and looking for a great love, October will provide you with several options. You will be frequenting different places, events, social activities, and even through social networks interesting people can introduce you to someone – but who will not immediately win your heart. Take it easy!
Chinese Horoscopes: Goat Sign in the month of the Dog
The Dog protects the Goat. However, if she moves away, the Dog chases her. They are usually good friends, and in your case this translates into a month of joy. Everything that has been worrying you, making you uneasy and with doubts (will I get to the end of the month with money? Will I be able to solve a problem with a family member?
Solutions will come to you, although they are not definitive. But the important thing is that you remain calm inside. As the days go by, you will feel more in control of the situations and everything around you.
If you have made a bad purchase or closed a deal you shouldn’t have done, let these situations serve as experience. When you make a mistake, the worst thing you can do is regret what you did. Just accept the learning and regain your balance.
Chinese Horoscopes: Monkey Sign in the Month of the Dog
This will be a very fun month for you, Monkey! An invitation will arrive when you least expect it, so prepare documents, passports, luggage, and everything that is essential to make an unforeseen trip, and it will be wonderful!
When it comes to sentimental life, many Monkeys will put an end to a toxic and/or abusive relationship, and finally be able to begin a period of freedom. If you have ended an intense, long-lasting relationship that culminated in a divorce, for example, don’t go out of your way to replace that person. Give your heart time to heal from its wounds. Only then will things get better.
A dream may also come up some night this month, pointing you to lucky numbers. Take the opportunity to make a little faith or perhaps buy some numbers in a raffle, for example.
Chinese Horoscopes: Rooster Sign in the month of Dog
Don’t waste your extra money! It is very likely that this month a little extra money will fall into your account; either by a purchase, sale, or debt settlement. Don’t rush to spend this amount, because you may feel the impulse to buy what you don’t need, or end up “helping” someone who will not make good use of this money.
In love, there is a person who, until now, has not aroused your interest, but now something about them has started to become interesting. If you are single, take the opportunity to get to know her better and propose interesting programs for two.
Money also comes into play when the subject is sentimental life. So don’t waste or splurge on a very exquisite date. October will be a multifaceted month in which you will live intensely as situations present themselves.
Chinese Horoscopes: Sign of the Dog in the Month of the Dog
You are in your own month, Dog, and this is a phase of economic recovery, sentimental resolutions, searching for new incentives, preparations for trips, and new things in your life in the most diverse sectors.
You will have the opportunity to emerge triumphant from a shameful situation that you have lived through, for you are full of love and understanding, but you don’t like to be deceived. That person who did this to you doesn’t know what trouble they are in. You are not spiteful, but you are not someone who can be taken in easily, and you will put an end to this situation.
You will be able to end a toxic relationship, opening the door to a new chapter in your love life. Everything will go well! Another very positive aspect this month is your health, which will be strengthened, full of energy, and able to do amazing things that you didn’t even know you could do until then.
It’s time to open yourself up to sports that involve competition, running, novelty, anything that can benefit your well-being.
Chinese Horoscopes: Sign of the Pig in the Month of the Dog
Opportunities for people of the sign of Pig will arise like a speeding train this month, and you will need to be nimble to embrace each one. Be attentive, alert, and receptive when someone comes to offer you a new business deal, a trip, or the like.
Leave shyness aside! Go ahead and take action, because you have it all! Just be careful not to trust people too much; especially those you already know are not worth it or have a reputation for cheating.
The month of the Dog will be marked by an economic, health, and joy revolution in your life. And the only thing you need to worry about is recklessness. You will be so excited, that you can sometimes end up taking actions without thinking about the consequences.
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