Cancer season: new beginnings ahead

Cancer season starts on the 21th of June, and lasts until the 21th of July, with two major events, a New Moon and Mercury retrograde. It points both for new beginnings and to a patient approach to it, following the energy of Cancer.
Cancer is sentimental, and not so good dealing with new beginnings, since that requires endings and let go. But everyone will deal with that struggle, and acceptance is an important step for all of us. Also, cancer is a conscious buddy, and their cautious attitude towards the future will be useful for everyone during the Cancer season.
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Cancer season: work on your emotions
After the restless Gemini Season, here it comes Cancer season. While the last season offered time to work on your ideas and improve your communication – and the best way to do that was to properly communicate, whether speaking or writing, Cancer shifts the focus and asks for a quieter time to work on your emotions.
Cancer does not ask you to stay secluded during the most exciting time of year. On the contrary, it asks you to have fun in the pool with as much enthusiasm as you can. We mean, not only a pool but the sea itself!
Cancer season: dive into the sea
Yes, a simple pool is too small to represent the grandeur that Cancer carries within. The sea is the most perfect metaphor because besides being bigger, it has a connection with its ruler, the Moon. The Moon rules Cancer, the tides of the seas and our emotions, in a perfect Universe.
Do you know when you take the first steps towards the sea and put your hands first in the water to feel it slowly? That’s it. Afterward, you feel a little more comfortable with the temperature and do not hesitate to dive to indulge in the wonders of salt water: fun, purification and fullness.
The water signs are closely linked with our emotional side. Cancer is the first sign of water and we can say that its role is to make us enter into and become familiar with this side of us. Scorpio proposes a deeper reflection on our emotions and Pisces the flowing of them. Cancer invites you only to come in and feel comfortable, while we swim gracefully through our emotions.
Cancer season: self-acceptance and intuition
This may seem a bit scary, especially for those who do not have the habit or experience of dealing with their own emotions. To help you, we say that the first step to the success of Cancer season is to practice self-acceptance.
It does not matter if you feel fear, anger, or frustration. Everything is valid because they are feelings, emotions, sensations and you should not judge yourself for it. A good practice for Cancer season is meditation, when you observe your feelings and thoughts without judgments. Just let them through and feel grateful to be alive. After all, we are all human beings and made to feel.
Another proposal for this season is to strengthen your intuition. While some are already linked to this inner compass, for others intuition is still a mystery. The trick here is: The more you know your emotions, the more you can trust them. Take a moment and pay attention to what you feel (in a balance to what you think), this can be a warning to turn the rudder to the other side.
Cancer season main events
There are two main events during the Cancer season that will influence everyone. One happens, in fact, two days before the Sun enters in Cancer, but will be around almost all along, until the 12th of July, and yes, that’s exactly what you are thinking about. Mercury will go retrograde again!
Influencing all season, but especially the 10 days before, and 10 days after, will be the Solar Eclipse on the 21st of June.
On the 25th of June, Venus will station and turns direct, and on the 28th Mars enters Aries.
Find out how the Cancer season will influence you according to your sun and rising sign (check out both for a better understanding of the overall energy).
Dear Aries, it feels like that is a lot of going forward and moving backward again, right? Don’t stress out, you need to work on your patience more than everyone else. There is a new beginning related to your home life, which can mean either a new house, a new phase with your family, a change in your house. For that to work out you need to let go of your past.
Focus on your plans, and ask for help from your friends. They will be there for you as never before. Enjoy and learn from it!
Ps: If you have the chance, wait until mid-July before signing any important papers.
Sweet Taurus, this is a good time for you. With some simple steps, you’ll feel the ease, value, and value. There is a new chapter starting from you and you must learn how to express yourself about it. On the other side, it’s important that you focus on your pragmatic skills because they will be helpful.
To finish it is a perfect way, your bosses or any type of authoritative figure in your life will value who you are and your work, which will make you feel in peace with yourself and the world.
Gemini, we have something to tell you! You’ll be in the spotlight for about a year and a half, meeting your destiny and going through a lot of changes. This focus on Gemini people starts during the Cancer season and will have a lot of sweet aspects, as well as challenging ones.
You start it on the top, feeling valued, confident, and good about yourself. With that energy, new opportunities will arise. There is a focus on your career, and you’ll feel like celebrating the good times.
At the same time, when Mars enters Aries, it starts a movement that will last around five more months that will make you evaluate where you want to go with your life.
Ready to show up your new you to the world? Ok, let’s take it easy, step-by-step. Although sometimes people talk about personality changes as a bad thing, that is an extreme way to look at it. We all should develop the different aspects of ourselves during our lifetime. Therefore, changing doesn’t mean that you’ll stop being you, just that you were working on aspects of yourself that were not out there in the world yet. Right friends?
The way you blossom while showing to the world different side of yourself will release a lot of weight out of your mind, your heart, and your shoulders. You’ll feel aligned with the world and with yourself. You went through a rough period of overcoming psychological blockages and now it’s time to celebrate.
To some people this will be related to their work, for others, it will express in different aspects. Act, be yourself, baby!
Leo, we know how much you like to shine, especially if you are in Summertime. But we have some news for you, it’s time for you to rest and stay more with yourself. Time for reflection, you need to remember that all the answers live already inside yourself.
Your new beginning in this phase will be a strong one. You’ll understand what to hold on to and what to let go. But you need to remain cautious.
When Mars enters Aries, it will influence your 9th house, and most likely you’ll feel that your system of beliefs changed. The way you look both at the world and relationships evolved.
Also, someone will be there for you as a rock since the end of May, and that person has the potential of being your long-term partner.
Above all, be thankful for the ones who stand by your side while you go through this challenging phase.
Cancer season for Virgo
Can you live in the present, dear Virgo? It’s a great plan for this time of the year. Because your new beginning means a long term plan, and in order to point to the right direction you also need to align with the present. That’s the point where you give space for your heart to tell you what you want and need in the new chapter of your life.
Most likely, you’ll go back to an old plan or goal that before you didn’t have the means to pursue. Connecting with other people will be crucial for your success. To the opponents to your projects, answer with kindness and love.
Stability is around the corner!
Libra, we stand with you. We know the last years have been hard when it comes to family and your home.
Things will start to fall more into place, and you’ll catch back on your career. If you make the right decisions, you’ll feel a positive impact on your daily routine. That will also change your status in the world.
There’s a huge possibility you feel yourself shining again. Enjoy it, friend!
You just went to some breakups, but the Cancer season will bring you a refreshed perspective about the world. You’ll feel inspired to travel (if you can!) or to go back to study. Above all, your mind will be open to new possibilities, something that sometimes you struggle about.
It’s extremely important that you connect with others, but also that you give them space to speak up.
New energy, that will last for months, will give you the strength to put on march some good daily habits that will improve your happiness.
Cancer season for Sagittarius
Dear Sagittarius, the energy is bringing you down to earth a little bit, right? Are you fighting it, or let yourself learn from it?
It’s a good time to do therapy and overcome some issues from your past. Work on compassion and forgiveness about someone who hurt you in the past can be the right step to move on with your life.
On your relationship level, be opened to communication. You’ll find a lot of support.
Capricorn, your love life is your refugee right now. Talk and rely on your partner. If you are single, be thankful for everyone that is around you and learn more about love from them.
If you are in a relationship, there is a strong possibility you move your focus to it, taking a step forward. Good luck!
This moment right now will impact your life for many years. Make sure you follow your heart!.
Aquarius, you are enjoying more and more your work, and doing something you actually love. With time and the right amount of effort, that will help you feel more confident.
Work is a big thing in your life, and you should celebrate your accomplishments. And we have something great to share with you, your concerns about money will soon disappear. Abundance is flowing into your life.
This is the payback from your courage to dare and go for your dreams. You are now more aligned with who you really are.
Cancer season for Pisces
Pisces, people in your life will have a great role during this time. It’s important for your happiness to spend time with your family, kids and friends. Learn from them that you can handle life in a lighter way.
While you enjoy that, ask yourself, “Who do I want to become?” It’s time to feel more positive about yourself, time to fall in love for life again.
Soon, you’ll feel the effort you have put on these last years.
After the long last seasons, Cancer brings more joy into your life. Maybe some challenges, but definitely new good starts!
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