Ruling Orisha of 2023: Influences and trends for the year!

The ruling orisha of 2023 brings wisdom, patience, and love.
Learn which is the orisha and how to connect with its energy.
The orishas in Umbanda are syncretized with the forces of nature, so it is traditional to understand the ruling of the force that is most active in the life of the medium, the terreiro itself, and also in the year that is beginning. Understanding this energy as an active force also directs us on how to act in certain situations and how to understand the reason why some cycles are more favorable and others more unfavorable.
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The annual ruling orisha in Umbanda can have its prediction in different ways. Some houses announce this force according to the chief guide who directs the work, others through games and oracular consultations with the disembodied priest, and some make their predictions based more on astrology and numerology. There is no mistake, there are different paths.
But after all, if several paths are correct and if I am going to see different predictions of the ruling orishas of 2023, which of these regencies should I believe in? Which orientation should I follow?
You see, if you don’t attend a terreiro and don’t have this orientation, all you have to do is adopt a regency and follow it. You know when you need to get to a place and ask someone on the street for information? So, think how confusing it would be if every two steps you would ask for this information to a different person and change your whole route. It would be a nuisance, right? So, the best thing to do when asking for guidance is to follow that given path, focusing your energy on the journey.
If you want indication of the ruling orisha for 2023, feel free to adopt this regency that will be given here and focus your energy on understanding, vibrating and balancing yourself according to this force. You will find it much more meaningful, and you will know which orixá you can turn to for support when you need it in this new year.
Ruling Orisha of 2023: the energies of Oxum
Bringing the strength of feminine energy, Oxum manifests herself to help us conquer prosperity and patience. With this in mind, it will be a year to act calmly, but this does not mean to stand still, on the contrary, the energies for the coming year indicate movement.
The patience portrayed by Oxum symbolizes wisdom to act at the right time. Besides Oxum’s energy, 2023 receives the protection of other orixás, bringing gentleness, determination, and connection with spirituality.
Knowing the ruling orixá helps to connect with its energy and, therefore, to take the right actions. So that it is possible to find success and paths that truly resonate with your essence. Below, find out which are the ruling orishas of 2023 and how to use these energies in your favor!
A year of kindness and material conquests
The year 2023 will have Oxum as ruler, queen of sweet waters, rivers, and waterfalls. Oxum is worshiped in Candomblé and Umbanda, representing mainly prosperity and love. Besides this, the orixá’s energy teaches patience and wisdom with words.
As well, Oxum brings connection with the feminine energy, so sensitivity and empathy come to the fore. So, 2023 will be an excellent year for acquiring emotional maturity and getting closer to artistic activities, either practicing or contemplating.
It is worth mentioning that the queen of fresh water also boosts kindness, to deal with others lovingly, understanding that everyone has their own time. In relation to material achievements, Oxum stimulates determination, to choose better ways and accomplish goals that bring abundance and great satisfaction.
The vibration of number 7
When adding 2023 (2+0+2+3=7), the result is number 7, bringing symbols that directly influence the energy of the year. For numerology, 7 represents perfection and integrity. So, in general, this number indicates the synthesis of sacredness.
In other words, it is related to spiritual devotion and rituals, which can be practiced within a religion or not. In addition, Ogum, the orixá of war and fire, is connected to number 7, due to his conquest of the seven villages of Irê.
In this sense, the year 2023 also brings the protection of Ogum, providing dedication and conquest, after all he is the orixá of fighting and war. The presence of Ogum for 2023 indicates attitudes and, consequently, prosperous harvests.
Nevertheless, this orixá is related to impulsive attitudes, so it is very important to try to balance the impetus to accomplish.
Other interpretations and rulings
The year will also have the influence of two other orishas: Olokun and Oxóssi. Little known in Brazil, Olokun is the orisha of the oceans, the Lord of the Seas. Also portrayed by the symbol of the moon, the ruling star of 2023, the orixá represents the mysteries of the depths of the sea.
At times the orixá is depicted as a woman and at other times as a man. In general, Olokun symbolizes union with all beings, as well as wealth and health. In addition to all this, Olokun invites us to look into the depths of our inner world, in order to let go of what no longer fits and walk lightly.
Oxóssi, orixá of knowledge and guardian of the forests, will bring protection, especially at work. Oxóssi is described as a hunter who carries a bow and arrow in his hands to provide sustenance to the tribe. In daily life, Oxóssi helps to achieve stability and build good partnerships.
How to connect to the energy of the Orishas?
A simple way to connect with the orishas is through prayer. This way you can intend what you want for your moment, but don’t forget to always give thanks.
Also, instead of praying for something specific, ask the spirituality and the orixás to bring to your path situations that promote evolution.
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